This all day.
This all day.
I actually totally took this away on my first viewing. It’s a film about pressing on despite your failures, wrapped in a Star Wars wrapper. I thought the storytelling was actually quite smartly done - it constantly subverted your expectations about what beats a movie “should” hit. Leia’s “death” was surprising in that…
The movie is bold, strange and terrific. The respected movie critics are correct and the quick-take having populace is “currently” wrong. This is Disney following “kill it, if you have to.”
people, start watching Girls Last Tour if you have Strike, it’s fantastic
Okami badly needed some form of streamlining. Maybe it would’ve been better as a game with discrete levels rather than trying to make it an open-world experience.
It seems Sony really wanted to kill the Vita by not giving it AAA first party games. What it did, was giving the spotlight to so many indy games that I would have never given the chance otherwise. I’d be waiting for the next blockbuster game and not enjoying some really fun games. The Vita has been one of the consoles…
“Even the Fate franchise, which was mostly safe from that, has shifted towards that and it’s really frustrating as a long-time fan of it.”
The original Fate game was pornographic, and while it didn’t have any pedophilic elements, the writing could be extremely creepy.
Yeah. The sudden serialization of a character throws you off from the plot and characterization, especially when things start seriously and all of a sudden the love-interest girl who reminds the gary-stu MC of his sister is suddenly attacked and molested by a tentacle monster(See: Sword Art Online). Such things make…
I know personally as I got older it certainly became harder and harder to defend, and more and more embarrassing to be fan of. Even though I had been a fan since the late 90's. But at the same time I wonder if I just outgrew it and became a part of a different target audience. That being said, I think anime has a big…
That’s one of the other big problems that caused me to leave the scene and abandon the hobby. Once companies realized that there was a market in the USA for foreign (spc. japanese) animation they flooded the market with all the trash that was kept away as fan subbers and companies initially imported and worked on the…
First off - this is very relevant
Back in high school, my friends and I joked that the worst FPS ever made would be set in the mid-1800's, you got one shot per minute and you would have to work through a series of QTE’s to reload, and you would be shot for desertion if you moved your character out of formation.
We were really ahead of the times.
The world of Fullmetal Alchemist may be decidedly not-Japan... but it was created by Japanese people for a Japanese audience and a Japanese worldview/perspective invariably influenced every element of the storyline.
The ‘fun’ thing about it all is that, after struggling to get past Abhorrent Beasts and spare Roms, Yharnam is a push-over in comparison.
Damn man. This just makes me want an entire game based around the Chalice Dungeon scheme but without the difficulty of end-game Bloodborne. I got all 3 endings but damned if those Chalice Dungeons don’t rip me to shreds.
Wait, SWITCH Version?
As a huge fan of the original I’m so very happy. A genuinely AAA console release in the style of the original is all I wanted. My only concern is that it’s not on PC, which seems like an oversight after how well the first game did there. Thank you, Sega!
I’ve been thinking about how to tackle this because even some of the best games have terrible water portions that has long become a stigmatized trope in gaming and I think the answer is, look to the mech games. Particularly, look to Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner. Orbital Frames are on the ground, in the air, in…
Making underwater melee combat fun is the main hurdle. I think the key to doing that would be focusing on momentum. You can’t just transplant Devil May Cry’s combo mechanics to an underwater setting and expect it to feel right.
I think that it would be like jousting, where you swim at an enemy from a distance, dodging…
Millennium Actress is one of the best movies ever made. All of his movies are phenomenal. Satoshi Kon was such a genius.