I agree. If anything they could have maybe wrote it in a way that would be easier for Americans to parse, but I don’t like the idea of overly Americanizing a game about Japanese high school...
I agree. If anything they could have maybe wrote it in a way that would be easier for Americans to parse, but I don’t like the idea of overly Americanizing a game about Japanese high school...
Nah, I wouldn’t want Americanisms in a Japanese game.
There’s American games for that; But it should’ve been handled differently anyhow.
Being a man is very simple. Do you identify as a man? Cool, then whatever you’re doing is man-stuff by definition. Wanting romance instead of casual sex? Totally manly.
Platinum Games made the brave choice to put technical performance above graphical candy. For once graphics served the game and not vice versa. Is NieR: Automata the prettiest game in the world, hell no. Is it one of the smoothest open-world action RPGs and arguably one of the best ever made - yes, yes it is.
You would think though that anyone who has paid attention to the Witcher devs knows that the games are based off a series of books that they loved, they have said so themselves in many interviews.
That is kind of sad without the books the games just kind of lose something. The games are fun on their own, however and this is most true of The Wild Hunt the lore of the books play so much into the games its like missing out on half the story. Like when Yennifer and Ciri finally showed up it was such a long time…
If you like the style at all, then yes, play it. The story is ingenious, the gameplay and animations are breathtaking and the music is pretty much the best OST in the whole medium. And the game is getting 9s across the board from both critics and user-reviews. The only gripe people could potentially have with the game…
DA:I = a D&D campaign
Witcher 3 = reading an entire fantasy novel series
Apples and oranges really, other than being fantasy RPGs. Both great plays in my book.
I thought Dragon Age: Inquisition was great. Dunno why people have soured on it over time. Obviously it had some issues (epitomized by the Hinterlands) but I really enjoyed the combat, story, and characters. (Iron Bull!)
Turn that glitch into a new skin idea.
Besides the ones people have already informed you about, Sakura Quest.
What kills me is that that’s actually an amazingly smart show with interesting takedowns on a lot of fantasy tropes(I thought it was fascinating how none of our main heroes were given names, seemingly an intentional signifier of their positions as forces of nature in a fantasy world, while the peasants and squabbling…
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
I played this game in alpha when it was being shopped around YEARS ago. Players drop elements of a song on a singular track line, and different cards do different effects to the opposing DJ (thematically that’s what was going on, players are battling DJs).
Every Rock Band game was compatible with old instruments, and the tracks downloaded from previous games were available in each future iteration. The library ended up at around over 4000 songs over the 9+ years since the first release. That’s a pretty stellar product line support record.
I’m feeling the flow! Please let this be a hit so Konami can see YuGiOh mixed with NFC chips mixed with AR/VR with a real Duel Disk would be the a-mazing.
Yeah, Overwatch has just become the FPS version of most MOBA games for me. The characters and possible situations they can get into are infinitely vast and fascinating, but they’re confined to a non-canon multiplayer-only arena where their viability frequently outweighs their appeal, leading to general frustration…
Blizzard, if you ever need a live-action Tracer for an Overwatch commercial, here’s your girl.
The Zelda hype is cool and I’m glad that game is good, but I don’t think anything could tear me away from Horizon right now. It’s the full package - incredible visuals, great open world design, a surprisingly good story (not Naughty Dog levels but much better than it needed to be), incredibly tight gameplay (something…
It’s not very often that the concept/promo art actually translates into the final game, so this is even more amazing.