Yes, I personally am. I haven’t played it since before the DLC started coming out, and having it portable would be a really nice feature for the game.
Yes, I personally am. I haven’t played it since before the DLC started coming out, and having it portable would be a really nice feature for the game.
It definitely made the game look far more appealing than Treehouse’s E3 presentation of the game. Back then it looked like a dreadful slog, now it seems to be a much more in-depth and somewhat tactical RPG.
I’m so happy that Battle Chef Brigade is releasing on the Switch. Even though I’m a backer for the PC version of the game, the idea of playing it on the Switch is so much more appealing. I cannot wait for it to release there.
L is one of my all-time favourite fictional characters. He was such a fantastic “antagonist” for Light/Kira and so I’m glad to hear that - despite a relatively smaller role in this film - he is portrayed just as well and in just as compelling a manner.
Okay, so the Mercy changes sound interesting and the D.Va ones may be cool in how they alter her usability - although I do think that there’s a little too much “poor DPS, they’re not doing too well” going on in the mentality behind some of these changes - and they could definitely make them very interesting to use in…
This game looks so good. Arc System Works is taking everything that they learned from Blazblue and Guilty Gear and pushing it to the extreme. I love that fact and cannot wait to get my hands on the game itself.
I knew there was a reason that I didn’t latch onto the Defenders right away like I did all the other Marvel Netflix series.
I’m with pretty much everyone else who believes that Overwatch should really be turned into a more story based series - whether it’s through cartoons, comics or a story based game - and this new Junkrat/Roadhog centric video just cements that further.
While I know full well that CG trailers are far from the most valued - or preferred - form of advertisement for a video game, I’ve always loved the CG trailers for the Assassin’s Creed titles.
I know a lot of people who are genuinely going to be disappointed by this news. While Mass Effect Andromeda didn’t exactly impress me - although it was an absolute blast to play through - I too have to admit that this news kind of sucks.
While I unashamedly love the thrill of the gacha style systems in many mobile games, Fortnite’s main draw being its survival gameplay - which is awesome - being interrupted by a need to rely on a similar style of system does not do the game any favours and will actively harm it.
It is absolutely disgusting how many excuses are made to avoid actually dealing with the problem. It most definitely is not impossible to be checking harassment claims consistently with humans, and I would definitely be interested to hear what Twitch has to say for themselves about this situation.
As someone who has never gotten into the Saints Row titles, is this game distant enough from that franchise that I could just jump right in? The game looks absolutely awesome and I’m very interested, but not so sure I would enjoy it if I was missing out on something for not having played Saints Row.
This looks pretty darn awesome. I love this sort of anthropomorphized fantasy, so it’s definitely right up my alley. I’m going to be keeping my attention on this one as it comes ever closer to September.
It really does bother me that Lawful Good has become such a “boring” alignment to deal with. There’s so much interesting potential to play around with - especially if you’re willing to look past the Paladin archetype and start delving into other ways it can be utilized.
At least you’re not dealing with Canadian costs. Official Xbox Magazine and PC Gamer (the two major magazines still easily available here) cost $11 each. It’s ridiculous.
FFXII has always been one of my favourite titles in the franchise, so I love seeing the game receiving a lot of the respect that it so justly deserves (despite all the complaints it has received over the past decade or so).
I have to agree that this really shouldn’t be as hard as they seem to be making it out to be. Bollywood should have been a first choice place to look when they set their desired ideal for Aladdin, and it makes no sense that they’re struggling so much with it. Although, I will admit that I do want Riz Ahmed to gain…
Final Fantasy XII is one of my top three favourite entries in the series (possibly even my favourite although it would be very tough to top Tactics and XIV for me).
Final Fantasy XIV, since A Realm Reborn, has been a fantastic experience that has gone above and beyond what one would expect from a MMO title.