Maybe the Rio Olympics should take a tip and try uh, “cleaning out” their water so the athletes don’t have to swim in the bacteria or whatever it is, Zika virus, or whatever’s in there... maybe they should “clean that out”. Just kidding around, don’t mean to offend.
So, you were told during the “writing and editing” that someone else had already come up with the idea, but you went ahead with it anyway? Sounds like someone’s angling to be Melania Trump’s new speechwriter!
He looks like a flower—a cauliflower!
It's actually the Foo Fighters.
We should be thankful the reporter didn’t ask Gronk which one has better deep balls.
“What an amazing tribute.” - Dan Snyder
Well, the lettering of the upper part is undoubtedly from “Rust Never Sleeps” by Neil Young & Crazy Horse, and I figure there’s a photoshop of Russ in a hoodie on the bottom.
This the one article where +1ing your own comment is not just allowed but in fact encouraged.
This poster is like a successful extra point kick because, “It’s good”!
The only argument you could make in favor of RG3's fall being worse would be that Manziel never achieved any grace from which to fall.
This is great, of course, but I’d like to point out how RG3 is still causing everyone to lose sense of all reason. There is no way his “fall from grace” was worse than Manziel’s. Manziel was a highly touted, exciting first round pick who is now out of football because he cannot stop drinking long enough to learn how…
LMAO—-this comment should be out of the grey!
Boy, right out of the gate with idiocy.
Ignorant anger is the best kind of anger.
Can it be, I thought you died
This very definitely is not your joke to make.