
I’m just going to say I also am a big GBBO fan and got a kick out of it. There are a lot of people that don’t know it and aren’t familiar, so thats probably why they did the add-in of Big Brother etc. Its a decent enough pitch for a sketch, particularly when you aren’t sure if everyone is familiar with the source.

This shit is scary. Like questioning the legitimacy of a free press, and elections? And people that are just consuming it because heck if I saw it on the Internet it must be true. I heard on the news today that Trump said something about a consitutional amendment to remove term limits of the legislature and that he is

Love it! My random playlist that I have not yet committed to spotify yet is songs with exceedingly long intro’s and outro’s

Oh its a left-wing conspiracy, but Donald bringing Bill Clinton accusers (or Benghazi mom) to the debates is just because? And wasnt there even coverage about how NBC was holding on to the footage, was actually released by another news org.

It’s definitely not good management. Would be equivalent to firing someone for getting treatment for mental health or heck for cancer or something. She took an approved leave, what does it matter what she took it for.

As others have said, are they not familiar with who Amy Schumer is? Her cousin is Senator Schumer and that has come up in gun regulation issues that she has supported. It is less than a month until the election and a comic whose material is personal is going to talk about politics no matter what side they are on.

I am totally with you. This “lesser of two evils” trope is tiring. Its not, I’m ecstatic to be voting for her, I wished it was her in 08.

As a fellow resident of L.A. I feel I have to disagree with you on The Grove (or the Americana and Brand in Glendale also Carouso). I mean, I get it, they are clean, outdoor malls, but I would never call my experiences there delightful. I enjoy the Barnes and Noble, and then make my way to The Original Farmers Market.

Even before hearing the tape, you had to know there were times he was inappropriate. The women coming forward are so brave, because you know its just going to be a shit-show.

This analogy is just so grasping I can’t even. It’s like the “surrogates” had to sit and say to themselves, “Hmmm, whats something that chicks like where they say or do naughty stuff. Oh I know that 50 shades of grey book, that was naughty, lets use that. Oh and chicks should really appreciate that Donald thought they

fat actresses, they are all the same, amirite?

Again, you are not starting over. Your chance that the prize is under your first pick is still 1 out of 3, 2 out of 3 times switching will get you the win. The other time your original 1 out of 3 chance will be right. Your choice became clearer with the revealed choice. The prize is still where it was at the

You are not down to a 50/50 chance. You don’t start again. Your original chance of 1 out of 3 remains. So you have your 1 out of 3 the examples in the articles show, you will always do better in the long run by switching. The prize is still where the prize is. You either picked it on the first chance or

As someone else also posted, while the baked baking soda does the job, it really is worth getting the food grade lye. People are still talking about the pretzels I made last Thanksgiving. And the lye will last you forever....(keep your kitchen well-ventilated)

Because its not required? The consititution has clear requirements for being president and neural tests are not one of them. And why ask her and not the other candidates or vice presidential candidates?

Just to echo comments here, I don’t know why they would mess with it. Why would you follow the money when you hadn’t locked down your talent, the things that make the show the show. Its already hard enough to try and see it here in the US, why couldnt they just look at expanding reach vs. changing production. Its

Why is it “wigging out”? I follow her on Facebook and saw the original post before she deleted it and replaced it. I actually think both of them are very honest. As a writer she was processing the absolutely normal feelings we all have when we see someone else getting accolades and feeling left out or alone for having

The woman wrote an article, and I don’t read anything in this as shaming, but rather examining the her position that chastity=feminism.

His single glove pictures go way back on the twitter machine

Just going to chime in as an ADPi (from over 20 years ago), clubs do all kinds of silly things. I went to a small school and Greeks were not the majority, it really gave me a place to meet people and enjoy the college experience.