The vile stuff that is coming at Leslie deserves its own article, because it is disgusting and wrong, and people saying “just ignore it” are not helping. No one should have to be subjected to that.
The vile stuff that is coming at Leslie deserves its own article, because it is disgusting and wrong, and people saying “just ignore it” are not helping. No one should have to be subjected to that.
I have to agree with you that I have clearly thought too much about this, and so we both have a sandwich :)
Just what about this is mean on her part. I literally do not own either of their music so am team no one, but where do you get that Taylor is playing any of this. It is Kim K who released the video at the exact point when no one really cared. They are not competitors musically. Kanye’s been putting himself in Taylor’s…
I guess I’m missing something in this. Why is she the mean girl? Why can’t she change her mind and after thinking about it not be a fan of a lyric that calls her a bitch (and casts her as a sex object and nothing more).
Okay, I’m late to this and in the scheme of things this is all so ridiculous that we are even talking about it....but I don’t think any of this is cool. It’s seems to me to be bullying and even harrassing.
Between this story and the ham sandwich thing from a couple days ago I have so many feels. Its hard to stay coherent because it is all the frustrated and angry gif’s put into one.
Agreed. Those were some fun times. I twirled a rifle. Its a completely random skill that I don’t have much use for, but I have thought about getting one just to play with for exercise :)
Shutting down the whole program does not seem like the best way to go about it. And while I get the Hyde amendment and funding “controversy” these people were helping people in their community not actually performing the abortion, I find it hard to argue that the federal funding was supporting it (but of course…
I have been in an LA metro red line train that hit someone (they survived). They were standing too close to the edge. I would agree that videos needed if it gets people to pay attention.
I’m going to go back and read comments but just coming here to mention that I’m all on the toner train. I have dark blonde hair naturally, but have been coloring to some degree most of my adult life. Various shades. Recently I have been staying in the light blonde to platinum family.
Yoko definitely needs to always be in
That is what really got me as well, he just goes in hard on her without even being asked. Like dude slow your roll, why does it even need to be mentioned
That is completely how I read it too
This interview us just ugh. The interviewer never actually even asks anything about Keira Knightly, Carney just keeps bringing it up, on the first question even. It really smacks of someone who didn’t get the attention he thought he should get from his female star.
This all seems pretty standard and even low key when it comes to riders. Theres a lot more wacky ones out there. I’m sure the college has had all kind of performances why is a box of condoms so shocking.
Yes, I think you are right :)
I think its just shavings of something (cheese, ginger) on the hot pasta, creates the movement with the steam
Oh my god the gyno one, I was just coming here to comment on that one as well, it really has devolved.
But what about these rules are unfair. It seems pretty darn fair that you have to be a registered Democrat to be a Democratic delegate. That does not count as unfair.
I have said exactly this in discussions and am met with, “well but he had to...its naive of me to suggest it, blah, blah, blah.” Its very frustrating.