Crooked Paul

Which means the so-called marginalization of white ostensibly Christian men is not happening in the US Congress nor the population at large. Is that not obvious?

Elves are good if you want to play a persuasive talker or a magic-user.

When your hatred is literally burning you up from the insideā€¦
(photo caption)

Remember on the Colbert Report when the guest would compete with Stephen, trying to be funnier or more persuasive? And how it usually backfired because Colbert is so quick-witted? Even locked into his Report persona, he can communicate so much in how precisely he avoids saying the expected thing.

Precisely the righteous reading of the riot act these Nazi fuckwits deserve. That made me feel a little bit better.

I do most of my shopping there. Good variety and prices on nuts, cheeses, and bread. For baking, they have quite good prices for cocoa, vanilla extract, flour, milk, eggs, and butter. (Their sugar is way overpriced, though.)

How 2 Get Out More

"Throw some ground balls. It's more democratic."

This Fuhrer of puns is stinking up the Aryan here.

I heard it from a teapot orbiting in deep space. So that's two sources.

Xenu's the bad guy. Are you saying Katie Holmes is from the Scientology Devil?

The sky was the color of a Kinja site, scrolled to a gray comment.

Respectfully, I think that's crazy talk.

I know how I'm going to describe it.

So unimportant Mooch managed to get the Chief of Staff fired in his ever-so-brief tenure.

When you someone eat his wife. Couldn't be clearer.

I don't talk about it much, because John Teti has a big fan club here, but he massively overreacted to a single post I made at Gameological when it was briefly an independent site.

Yesterday's "town hall" was a good indication of how this site intends to treat the commentariat. As an afterthought.

Not just one culprit; Several writers have done it.

I'm from Missouri, but live on the West Coast now. I will never go back except to visit my dear sainted mother.