Crooked Paul

I think they care, but they don't understand how drastic the change will be on our side. I got more of a "we know they don't like it, but they don't like anything, ugh fine let's get it over with" vibe from Laura and Ernie's 100-minute spin zone.

There are a couple of spinoff clubhouses.

I don't think the staff hates commenters. They were told to sell us on the switch, so they had to take our questions/snark/complaints/outrage about it, even though they're not responsible for the choice. Some staffers might resent us for bitching at them for something out of their control; But they should resent their

You know, a few more prominent statues of Frederick Douglass or Harriet Tubman would spruce up the place considerably.

He's a caddy named Bagger. Truly the stuff legends are made of.

The wonderful thing about your hypothetical imaginings is they can't be disproven, but that doesn't mean they're remotely plausible.


Are you sure you mean "obfuscation"? Consult a dictionary.

You have a real knack for noticing only pointless things. Avoiding any semblance of coherent thought must be a lot of work, but you're a trouper.

Why did they want the country to be "run like a business"? People are so dumb.

Fucking hell, man, you're rewriting history like you work at the Ministry of Truth.

My parents strictly limited how much soda my brothers and I could have when we were kids, so I never got hooked on it. (Thanks, Mom and Dad!)

Oh yeah, I should have realized. Duh.

I've never tried tea…

You change actors faster than any other superhero, Spider-Man!

If a passel of provably false claims and clumsy attempts at deflection are your version of "being completely honest," there is no hope for you. You are a contemptible racist liar. You are a blackguard, sir!

Just speaking from personal experience, not making any normative statements about others, huh? So innocent.

This "modern America" is your fantasy. White guys can't get union jobs! No facts or figures. It's true according to a couple guys you know and your assumptions.

That story was entirely about unions in New York City, which is hardly comparable to the US at large. The reasons cited in the article for the shift in union-worker demographics are the changes in the pool of unionized jobs available.

What you write makes no sense. Trade unions are not made of up entry-level employees. The workers must know a trade (duh).