Crooked Paul

Hey, can your friend Peter Parker get some high-angle shots of Trump's corruption in action?

That's offensive and incorrect! Them kids need two schoolings.

I'm not a morning person, but I think you're aces, dude.

"I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house down!"

This! This is the whole enchilada, Morty. Read this a hundred times. Make it easy for the dummies, Morty. Make it ea-uuurb-sy for everyone, for ever and ever, Morty!

You can figure out your chances of going bald/keeping your hair if you have data from your relatives. Baldness is a sex-linked trait, passed down from the mother on one of her two X chromosomes, while the father's Y chromosome (making an XY male baby) is usually negligible.

I'm not sure. I imagine it varies from place to place. Some communities might care more about American brands (even if most of the parts are made elsewhere).

The blonde ladies are cheerleaders. The quarterback is always a man.

As I understand it—please correct me if I'm wrong, anyone—the current system requires that the employer make a reasonable effort to hire an American worker before they can apply for visas and green cards to hire someone from another country.

Me neither, brother.

Maybe I was unclear. I'm not saying the rubes will wise up—far from it.

You know, I really hope so.

Woof. Don't you think that would almost certainly be implemented in a racist way? I don't trust our government deciding who should or shouldn't have kids.

Don't discount the shibboleth angle. For many conservative/rural people, repeating the party line is just what they do to fit in, like buying the right brand of truck and wearing the right work boots.

What do you think the immigration limits will accomplish? How is Trump increasing manufacturing jobs?

It's more unsettling than funny to me, but I will still share my drugs.

Echo Chamber and the Bunnyman

I still use emoticons when there's any doubt my zinger was meant in good fun. But I might have become an Old when I wasn't looking. (I was in college in 1998.)

I reckon Trump's cult of personality will fade rather quickly, as these things go. Mainly because he is not disciplined or smart enough to stay on-message.

…a video blog of sorts that is literally just a mouthpiece for him and his awful family members to spew their bullshit lies…