Crooked Paul

Art wants Enger alive so the cops can interrogate her. It will help clear his name if she recants her lies and corroborates his story about Clone Club vs. the Neos.

Not yet, butt I will if you keep making such anus puns.

This is the wrist thing I heard all day.

The fourth nobody-asked-for-this sequel to a schlock TV movie is precisely appropriate for Kattan and Reid's level of talent. I find some solace in this during these dark times.

God, I bet those new citizens are thrilled! They were supposed to get Donnie's seismograph seizure but got Obama's lefty loops instead. That's so much better.

Oh, absolutely. The internecine blame game is feeble damage control, at best. I don't think GOP pols will profit by it.

A lot of people are talking. People are saying there is no such country as Russia. The Soviet Union was a fever dream—scarlet fever—and there wasn't never people called no Kievan Rus'. Dostoyevsky was ghostwritten by a guy in Iowa named Steven James; a lot of people don't know that. The entire Russia story is a

Jeff Flake (Republican from Arizona) is already tearing Trump apart, hoping it helps his reelection bid in 2018. He's on a PR tour for his vapid star-spangled book o' red meat for the faithful/gullible, and he's been slagging Trump at every turn. Of course, his chief concern is that Trump's dangerous stupidity is bad


They really wanted to use the "dud" pun, though.

This adaptation is a real backfire. It has pistol Gunslinger fans off.

Superb username/comment synergy.

"Lemme show ya something!"
—Fire Marshal Bob (Mueller)

Exit, pursued by a bear

Good lookin' out. Cheers.

Il Douche gives no thought to why China might want to do that. He's just like, "They should do me this solid. Fix the NK thingamabobby, China, old buddy old pal."

Jesus wept. And then barfed.

It makes them really relatable for two or three hours, then suddenly super-boring.

[Marine Corps Band plays world's loudest group rendition of sad_trombone.mp3]

Why should we keep that in mind? Why are you repeating inflammatory BS like that?