Crooked Paul

I didn't know those existed. Learn something new every day.

Also, "…the social media team at Teavana is taking it in strides." (emphasis added)

Some of these puns are strained.

Starbucks will gaiwan fine without tea stores. They already got so matcha money.

"Grizzly," surely?

"Get with the program, Left Eye! The rest of us are trying to make a frowny face."

I agree, BSA is not completely apolitical for the reasons you cite. Some of the national organization's membership rules have political effects by their nature. I'm an Eagle Scout who had to give lip service to religious morality during my eight years in Scouting, even though I was and am an atheist.

That got 86'ed.


I did a similar thing. What started as a joke about the complete lack of coordination in Trumpland turned into rules for a four-player chess game. So…

Thanks for keeping us so well informed on this, and for your timely calls to action. You're a good egg.

Did Tom Price have any say in the process? He's in the cabinet, right, which is executive branch. He shouldn't be wrangling Senate votes. Am I missing something, or is Trump just that dumb and clueless?

At my Catholic high school, I had to write an essay about how well I lived up to the ideals in the school's mission statement. This was a punishment for not ratting out my friend for something minor he had done. True to form, I ignored the assignment until the night before it was due, and stayed up way past my bedtime

For the record, I tried to recite that from memory and failed, even though I'm an Eagle Scout too. I had to look it up.

Yeah, they're pretty good about respecting different faiths, with one big exception: those who choose no faith, such as atheists or agnostics or conscientious objectors to dogmatism. They can't conceive of any morality that doesn't depend on some divinity setting the rules.

In BSA, you might have 11-year-olds and 17-year-olds working on some of the same merit badges. Probably the elective ones like Archery, Canoeing, or Digital Technology (formerly called Computers). (Eight-year-olds would be Cub Scouts, attending different meetings and activities.)

Close. 11 to 17 years old.

Ah, OS/2. The perfect case study of starting with a good idea and half-assing it into useless obscurity.

"I love it."