
"Harrison Wells"? Been watching too much of The Flash lately?

So….this is an Amazon pilot? It doesn't actually say so anywhere in the review.


Even if she'd managed to write an invite that told people what her show is about, a one-woman show telling the story of a hopeful actress who leaves rural Nevada to try and make it in Hollywood is even less interesting than the pitch for La La Land.

Okay, but HHH's ridiculous stagger over the rope should count double.

I loved that she was admitting it in the context of making what might be the healthiest decision of the season. And then immediately dived right back into the deep end of the pool.

Flattering enough that Hector's mom covered his eyes as she ran in front of them.

Jokes aside, she was ABSOLUTELY high as a kite during that speech, right?

Stone was better than Gosling, but neither was great. Also, "City of Stars" ranks in the lower third of a not-that-good soundtrack — if any of the LLL songs should be up for an Oscar, it should be "Waste of Lovely Light."

That's for another time.

If she goes off half-cocked Michael will just reset her again, and she wouldn't be able to leave a note that time.

There was booze. It might have been rye, you don't know.

And iZombie isn't even back yet!

And whichever son they could afford to pay this week.

With Rebecca actually saying "Josh and I are bad together" (I forget the exact phrasing, but regardless of the exact words it's a significant step!), the "I'm just a girl in love…" opening a no-show and Valencia suddenly back in the picture, I wonder if we're headed for an arc where Rebecca hands off "crazy

I did like that the ultimate resolution came not from Strange defeating the villain in a fight (sorcerous or otherwise) but abusing a mysic artifact he barely understood in order to blackmail an interdimensional cosmic demigod into getting rid of his adversary for him, and maybe kinda breaking time in the process.

God, Rebecca is spiraling HARD and it's only three episodes into the season. She's going to end up in a hospital by the mid-season break, isn't she?

This amused us more than it should have (i.e. at all) because I drive a Hyundai and my wife drives a Subaru.

Everything checks out, that's reality.

And it's just conversational enough that I can imagine Rebecca doing a spoken-word version of it in therapy or something.