
Judging from Eleanor's flashbacks she's never been far from the line between self-serving and sociopathic.

I just realized that was probably a clue to Gina's plan — real blood takes over an hour to dry, and it doesn't seem like there was that long of a break in the story.

I just want to know why the hapless intern they assigned to write their PR fluff hates colons.

That's just a coincidence, though.

I had the same thought when the bad guy was unveiling his master plan — it felt like a 90-minute, big-budget, (and high-quality) episode of the cartoon. I'm okay with that; the cartoon was really good!

Sure, why not. I like ranting.

The script went out of its way to point out that Hope van Dyne could have done everything he was doing, better and without a training montage — plus the central character arc of the movie was her and Hank reconciling, which would have been all the more meaningful if they'd done that reconciliation as the retired

Holy crap, you genuinely like Iron Man 3? We MIGHT be the same person. That's helpful, thanks.

My name isn't LaRose, but it is very very close to that and just reading this review is very confusing. I can only imagine how weird the book would be.

You're the first person I've had tell me that Civil War fixes anything I identified as broken in TWS, so I hadn't planned on it. Maybe when it hits Redbox.

Thanks to the iTunes giveaway, I'm finally watching the first episodes of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend season 1, having only gotten into the show in episode 10 of 18. Shockingly, I like the first half of this show whose second half I loved.

You asked for it!

I have no interest in even the basic premise of Civil War, plus after the Russos turned a genuinely great Ed Brubaker story into the movie that killed my MCU enthusiasm I'm afraid of what would come out of a rework of something I already hate.

This is perfect! I didn't start watching until the camp episode and now I can finally catch up!

To be fair, since Iron Man 2 Tony has shown that he was completely unable to regulate his own tech, while the surveillance Cap opposed turned out to be a Hydra plot to machine-gun the President from 20,000 feet.

I used to be REALLY into the Marvel movies (and it's not like I've stopped being a huge comic book nerd) but the only way I could be less excited for Civil War is if it was Batman v. Superman. It's a combination of burnout on self-serious superhero movies and the fact that I hated Winter Soldier and thus don't trust

"Marvel has a very strong record of diversity in its casting of films…"

What's kept me from buying one is that even when the system itself is on a sale good enough to tempt me I quickly remember to add $50-100 to the sticker price for Sony's proprietary memory card and nope straight back to my 3DS.

It's already on iTunes and Amazon, and the physical album comes out next week.

My first impression of Lemonade as a short movie/music-video-anthology/concept-piece thing is that it's brutally emotional and pretty goddamn fantastic (and I say that as someone who's never particularly liked a Beyonce song before this) but I'm not sure how well it'll work as pure audio — especially without the