
Daughter Dingus is a fraud, nothing more than daddy’s little fantasy girl, a carefully marketed package of gassy hot air and vapid platitudes. No one gives a fuck about how pretty, brilliant and perfect she is, no one believes her obnoxious “self-made” bullshit stories and no one cares what it was like “growing up

“Dad even helps me apply the Chapstick. He says the best method is to put it on his lips first and then press them to mine to transfer it. He also uses this method to make sure I have plenty of it on my nipples as well.”

I think that’s where I get annoyed with her. She has no problem using feminism to defend herself or to promote her products, but Swift RARELY ever references feminism under any other context. She talks about “girl power” primarily in reference to herself, only extending the idea out to others to make her message more

I don’t think celebrities are necessarily obligated to voice political concerns, but when TS uses feminism as marketing, I think she somewhat opens herself up to this kind of criticism.

It was 2015, but I just saw Room and it was fucking phenomenal. Totally behind, but I watched it yesterday and it won’t leave me

Not only do Catholics take advice on sex from the celibate, they’re even confused enough to call a celibate supposed virgin “Mother” Teresa.

* Technically, his penis’s estate. There won’t be much left. But the loss of consortium claims I’m filing on behalf of his hand will be frankly epic.

again, for the fuck of science, embroils are not kids

And don’t forget that Mango Mussolini is now Time’s person of the year.

I’m already representing his penis in its future lawsuit against him for negligence.

As an atheist, what I often tell people, is that I don’t need religion to tell me that murder, theft, oppression, etc. are wrong. People seem to need religion to tell them when these things are okay. (i.e. God says do not kill very explicitly a couple of times, then we get a few hundred pages in the Old Testament

Sooooo much this. People are so freaked out about Atheists not having any morals, but that hasn’t stopped religious people from being assholes for over a millennium!

This is even worse than when no Isla Nublareans were cast in Jurassic Park.

Jesus, Brad Pitt has so much fucking drama in his life ALL...THE...TIME. Which is weird...because he seems boring as fuck.

Can we please not count chickens yet? The last time we didn’t wait for the eggs to hatch, it turned out to be a fucking velociraptor nest and now we have Trump as President.

He’s sorry his locker room butter was offensive.

I feel like his haircut alone constitutes proof he’s not competent to represent himself.

Surprised he wasnt offered a cabinet position.

Anyone even remotely familiar with the guy knows he’s an actor. What kind of actor refuses to let his character wear a hat because he, himself, doesn’t support the team on the hat? How petty and unprofessional is that? How was that even an issue?

Ha! That’s what Laurence Olivier suggested to Dustin Hoffman,” My dear boy, why don’t you just try acting?”.