Cromulently Embiggened

“You can’t call it Just the Tip. That’s the name of a drinking game” - Brett Kavanaugh

I used to think there was a point where his supporters would turn against him but I don’t know if there is anymore. Proof he paid for an abortion would have to be up there. It would be fun to see evangelicals try to justify it.

I don’t want to discount the sexual assault allegations but the mysterious disappearing debt really bothers me. Somebody else had to pay that off for him. There has to be some paper trail there. Maybe something in Mueller’s investigation will lead to that.

The domestic producers raised their prices to match the tariffs.

I’m thinking 50-50 with Pence breaking the tie. It will be calculated so Collins and Murkowski can still vote no, just like they did with the DeVos confirmation.

The magically disappearing debt has taken a backseat with the sexual assault allegations. I would like to see an investigation into that. Maybe it was legit but I can’t imagine it was.  Knowing how inept Trump and his associates are, there’s probably a check that says “Kavanaugh Debt Payoff” on the memo line out

Someone in Congress (probably Nunes or Gohmert) will now propose a bill that says you can keep any boats that wash up on your property due to hurricanes, just so Trump is right.

Looking at Google, there are many Midtown Taverns throughout the US.  I wonder how many threats will be directed at the wrong ones.  

I’ve gone to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic a few times and the seaweed is getting worse. I mostly stayed near the shipwreck for people who have been there. In 2009, there was no seaweed. In 2011, it was pretty bad.  Last November there was some seaweed but it wasn’t too bad.

I’m waiting for him to take credit for the hurricane weakening.  

I’m not sure where I found this but it illustrates their thoughts.

I think the whole anonymous letter was a message to on the fence GOP voters. Basically telling them you are getting what you want and the staff is reining in Trump, so don’t worry and keep us in power.  Also, it works to enrage the MAGA crowd with the “deep state” conspiracy.

One solution to accidentally hitting reply all is to have the software ask “Do you really want to reply to all?” when there is more than a certain number of people it will be sent to. It would be similar to Outlook saying something about adding an attachment if it appears an attachment is missing.  

A few years ago my wife had a conference in Nashville and I tagged along. The hotel we were at also housed the Titans during mini camps and there were several players there. I realized I could not name any current Titan player. I probably could have named one player off of any other team but could not think of one

“It will be ok honey. You take the fall and I’ll go back to Congress so the scam keeps going. You’ll be out of prison in a few years tops or maybe the President will pardon you sooner.”

When I was in 7th grade in the early 90's, everybody had take a semester divided between home economics and shop classes. I don’t know if they still do that but it was a good idea.  

One of the lowest points of my sports fandom happened in 2013. I was in Istanbul on Thanksgiving and heading back to my hotel at night. I saw the Packers/Lions game through a window in an English style pub. I had little hope for a win because Rodgers was out with his first broken collarbone. The score was tied so I

About 10 years ago I was in Italy at a museum in Naples. I had a busy couple of days walking around ruins and my knees were hurting badly, especially going down stairs. I needed the restroom and the regular ones were down a flight of stairs. There was a handicapped single room restroom next to the stairs. No one was

It really is separated. I went to college there 20 years ago and remember E North Ave in particular. There was a park where the road curves. One side is white and the other is black. I found this map online a year or so ago.

I’m in my 40's too and remember some bad teams in the 80's. I figure that’s how it will be after Rodgers. I imagine the odds of getting a third straight HOF QB have to been insanely low.