The early Chevy Volts used to be able to go the same speed in forward and reverse. Now they are software limited to the mid 30's mph.
The early Chevy Volts used to be able to go the same speed in forward and reverse. Now they are software limited to the mid 30's mph.
The healthcare thing puzzles me. I look at what I pay in premiums, deductibles, and copays while making sure I go to an in-network provider and figure there has to be a better way. People seem to be ok paying large amounts of money to an insurance company but not the government. If everybody was insured, the costs…
The restaurant and gas station signs on the highway before the exit need to list the distance from the exit if they aren’t right at the exit. I hate exiting, getting to the end of the ramp and seeing the sign there that says the restaurant is 3 miles away.
I don’t think it is cheaper. My complaint is the prep time. If I’m paying for the meal kit, it seems like the ingredients should come ready to use or close. It seemed like I was chopping vegetables for 30 minutes on some of the recipes.
My opinion of their fries went up greatly when someone told me to dip them in Chick-Fil-A sauce. I didn’t really care for them much until then. I also like their Polynesian sauce for the nuggets. I tried McNuggets in the Polynesian sauce once it was awful. Apparently only McDonald’s sauces work for McNuggets.
A bar by me has that and it’s really handy. They have it setup listing the beers coming soon. It has all the info I want, including ABV and IBUs. I like that it lists the glass and ounces too. It’s annoying to order something “weaker” expecting a pint and getting a small glass.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen that movie and far longer since I took German but I picked up on that mistake immediately.
I saw a charge the other day that was “Arson Without the Owner’s Permission”. I guess that would be worse than “With Permission” but seems like something that doesn’t need differentiation.
He won’t nominate Sessions because he is too old. He wants somebody in their 40's who can stay on the court for decades. If he could get away with it, he would probably nominate someone in their 20's fresh out of law school. He probably could get away with it since Congress seems spineless.
The Democrats can’t do anything here. The real question is, will the Republican senators stand up to Trump if Trump nominated somebody completely unqualified? I don’t think they would.
I saw that on a sign above the checkout lanes in a grocery store once. They had a bunch of philosophical food quotes above each lane and then that one. I would shop there more if I lived in that town just because of that sign.
I was in the Minneapolis airport a couple of months ago and there was a broken escalator. I was disappointed that they had an out of order sign.
I find it funny when they show a car driving normally on a straight road and they still have the “do not attempt, closed course, professional driver” disclaimer. Apparently I need to be a professional driver to be able to handle driving the car in a straight line. I know some lawyer makes them add that but it is…
I was 10 or 11 when it came out and saw it in the theater. I think one of my friend’s mom took us to it. It’s amazing how many people my age saw the movie in the theater. It was a different time I guess. I can’t imagine the uproar today if they marketed a movie like this towards kids with toys, cartoons, video games,…
Trump will tell the justice department to charge Ali with a crime just so he can pardon him.
If I was Melania, I would take the prenup to a lawyer, possibly Avenatti. Seeing how incompetent Giuliani and Cohen are, there is a good chance that prenup is garbage too.
It looked like a block to me when it happened and on the replays. It seems crazy that they can review and overturn a call like that though. I can see them changing it if it’s something clear like standing in the restricted zone, but changing a judgement call like this is insane.
My favorite was a few years ago in the Dominican Republic. I got off the plane to stand in a line for a Tourist Card. Paid $10 to a person and got the card. Then I walked 10 feet and handed that card to a different person. All they really care about is that $10. I’ve heard they are going build that fee into the plane…
I was at an adults only resort in Mexico a few years ago. The swim up bar had music playing in the background, but it was faint and not that noticeable. A new song came on that didn’t match the rest of the music. It was “This Love” by Pantera. I assume one of the employees just saw the title and thought it was a…
Their“Buy a Seat, Get the Entire Row Free” promotion seems pretty nice. Lots of room to stretch out.