My husband just told me if I ever brought tom hardy home, he’d understand
My husband just told me if I ever brought tom hardy home, he’d understand
Refusing to be seen in public with their trans partner speaks volumes about those men. I hope everyone who goes through something like that can know that it is their partner’s own insecurity that is the issue, not them. Hopefully this article will help spread that message, too. Thank you for writing it.
Well, this is wonderful and painful and everything. Everyone should be living their truth, without judgment from others or themselves. Thank you for your story.
This is so beautifully written and heartbreaking. Thank you for sharing your story.
I mean, he’s not wrong. It’s super hard to grow a bigger dick.
Note to all: YesYesThisAgain is our resident “but ACTUALLY” MRA type. Do not engage.
On a personal level, the modern waxed chest trend kind of weirds me out and I am perfectly fine with my men being hairy. But on a societal level, GOOD, FUCK YOU ALL, I SHOULDN’T HAVE TO SHAVE MY FUCKING LEGS TO BE CONSIDERED ATTRACTIVE, YOU CAN ALL SUFFER ANNOYING HAIR REMOVAL FOR DUBIOUS AESTHETIC REASONS TOO.
“I don’t know how this works, no I can’t ask the tech department, this will have to be good enough.” thanks for reminding us why we need our women bloggers who know how to run the joint, Brendan! ♥️
Fuck swimming, that’s my drinking water!
The fact that Blake Lively is more successful than her is the most Serena van der Woodson thing to ever happen
John Mellencamp sounds exactly like every person I’ve ever dated. And also like my dad. 🤔
She had a child with Orlando Bloom, which is why this is a story.
Dictators have been elected. Hitler, obviously, is the prime example. Stalin was elected through the normal state mechanisms and he was also a dictator. The list goes on, but I assume you get the point. Dictatorial authority is not inconsistent with normal constitutional mechanisms for elections and pathways to…
A vagina hug.
He was smokin’ hot in Point Break
Johnny Depp looks like a gigantic shrunken head (I know what I said).