
They tried to open a big chain of men-only gyms called Cuts (as the alternative to the women-only Curves), but it failed because of lack of interest from men.

So apparently no, men don't feel uncomfortable in front of women at the gym, or at least not enough to patronize a gym where there are no women.

Also, let me

But the even was a men's only gym chain! I think it was called Cuts, created by the same people who made Curves. Nobody made a stink about it being discriminatory, but it failed because of a lack of interest from men. Which actually tells you a lot, especially as Curves is thriving.

He does nothing for me either, and apparently has said some really snobby, classist things. I just don't get it.

<i>Men and Women are completely different and process information in completely different ways. </i>

Guys, guys, I'm pretty sure he's referring to pregnancy, right? Anemia, gestational diabetes, and high blood pressure are no joke!

Yikes, that is a sad lie.

Dolly can do whatever they hell she wants with her body and still be awesome, fuck anyone who disagrees.

I love it, and her hair/makeup is great too.

I wanted a specific type of dog, too. Medium-sized, short hair, people-oriented, eager to learn, athletic but not too energetic. I found her at a rescue, easily.

I can definitely see the appeal of purebreds, particularly if you need a working dog. But for a companion animal, I just can't see the justification for

And here I thought morning talk shows had already reached peak mind-numbing dumbness.

I thought this was common knowledge? I don't understand how people feel comfortable buying from breeders.

I don't know if I should be too specific, but the store I worked in violated OSHA laws in a way that was pretty shitty for employees because it saved the company a very small amount of money to do so. They also made a big deal about providing insurance, but would always schedule employees to work juuuust under the

Ugh, I worked for Title Nine years ago and they were a pretty shitty company, so I hesitate to buy from them now.

Oh man, maybe I'm too sensitive, but that just seems...mean.

"Biodegradable" doesn't equal "safe for plumbing and wastewater treatment facilities." All cotton is biodegradable, meaning it can eventually be broken down by microorganisms, but that doesn't mean you should go flushing t-shirts down the toilet.

I'm convinced.

I'm not arguing that people don't have a right to change their minds. I'm saying that you can't negate a rape that's already happened. I don't really see how it could be otherwise.