
I dunno, I don't find it complex at all. If you have sex with someone against their will, it's rape. Whatever happens afterwards cannot negate that deed.

What's that Louis CK bit about men who press women for sex, because even though she's saying no she might really want it? Something about the fucked-up-ness of

Sure, but sex that "starts non-consensual" is still rape.

That well may be the author's intent. Still, I'm afraid that too many viewers are just going cheer on much-hated Cersei being punished, and ignore Jamie's basic despicableness.

She pounded on his chest with feeble fists, murmuring about the risk, the danger, about their father, about the septons, about the wrath of gods. He never heard her.

I wish the quality of discourse was better, too, but it is an internet comments section after all. I don't expect too much :)

Eh, I think that's pretty normal. Everyone likes to talk about themselves.

She is beautiful, but there is still obviously some makeup and photoshopping going on here. Brows filled, skin smoothed, light lipstick...

"What we have is not a war against fakery, it is a war against that which displays itself as fakery; we're all supposed to be pretending that we're naturally wide-eyed and soft-skinned and blushing and blemish-free. Women are expected to be photorealist portraits of femininity, not expressionist canvasses; lies are

Hi! I'm a scientist. This is an opinion article that cites little to no scientific evidence to back its claims. It's definitely not science.

Exactly. There are studies showing we treat male and female children differently literally from birth. I'm not saying it's not possible there's a biological component to gendered behavior, but to say that 3-year-olds often exhibit gender-stereotyped behavior is not particularly good evidence that it's biological.


I keep getting distracted by my fear that her low-slung leggings are going to cause a wardrobe malfunction.

I don't know, I think Hobbylobbist makes a good point, especially with regards to race. People might read a white person in funky clothes as artistically disheveled when they'd read a POC in the same outfit as sloppy and poor.

Pretty much. I like to wear offbeat things, and I think it's easier for me to get away with it because I'm thin/white/youngish. The flip side, though, is that I'm in a field (science) where it's almost embarrassing to care about appearance, so I think I also get pegged as a bit shallow.

I wish I knew the answer to this! I used to just not care and say fuck anyone who gave me a weird looks, but now I feel more conscious for some reason and wear bras solely for coverage.

For some reason, I've never minded being small-chested. It's not like I have perfect self-esteem or anything, and I know it makes me conventionally less-attractive, but man, it just seems so much easier!

Oh god that would be fantastic. How has that not happened yet?

Ditto. Doctors often tell me I seem very healthy when all they've done is taken my weight and blood pressure.

(Edit: I don't know why that came out huge!)