Crocket Bernet

Ok so I own NFS Rivals. I just offered to trade it to someone for Saints-Row 4.

Axe body spray is already weapon. It is absolutely fatal to my vagina.

Humorously, your fanboy bias is showing.

RIP Paul...full nitrous through the Pearly Gates buddy.

Interesting how the "Why I'm a PC gamer" has a very civilized discussion mostly of PC gamers who agree with the article and very few if any console gamers on there badmouthing PC gamers (at least last time I checked). Yet, over here, we see quite a few comments like yours, as if PC gamers have to also visit this

the specific countries you named for the ps4 make up at least 65% of the world.

I just threw my 360 in the garbage a few hours ago, I probably should have read your comment first :/

from early indications, it seems the Xbox's launch lineup is stronger than the PS4, which was marketed pretty exclusively as a gaming console. Point being, simply because MS hasn't hit you over the head with the word "gaming console" doesn't mean it's not.

To be honest, why even bother with that approach anyway?

Gluten free people are the tastiest!!!

Unlikely. There's a group of people out there who have more fun bashing the console they don't own then playing the one they do. They tend to flock here.

Wow, an actually well-mannered and happy post. Thank you sir, may your gaming endeavors be merry as well!

Yeah...because the company that has the most time to prepare is obviously going to have the worse launch. PS only fans are so delusional.

Looks the same to me. If you think you can tell the difference, you're obviously a fanboy.

Oh, so not this?

Note that Americans give far more on average to charity than any other Western nation.

Like I said, you were right. I had the wrong model. And yeah, the 4242SR is indeed 11,000 kg heavier. My point still stands, though. Either one is a small plant. The title could read "Look At This Modestly-Sized Machine."

Give it up, I own a nice gaming PC and even I see the writing on the wall. If Windows 8 didn't slap you in the face then you really are delusional. The future of gaming isn't on a PC, heck, the future of computing isn't on the PC. PC gaming, with it's high end graphics and high framerates, continues to shrink each

Good news the 2014 model will be released next year: