Crocket Bernet

I think its more the passing in the break down lane while traffic is merging directly ahead.

You're a very cunty person.

So British ugh.

Thats what I'm saying, perhaps this phone should receive the hard hitting questions in lieu of other phones being available.

I count 2 comments.

People generally don't pretend they're homeless for 3 days for other devices.

I hope you're kidding, Matt made that up dude.

I just realized why everyone keeps calling me douchebag.

Duh, Canada doesn't have a navy.

No, I now pronounce you wrong.

ST is the better (and in my opinion more fun) car. The Abarth is good bang for your buck though.

Nope 7/10 would hoon.

But she lives in Boston!

A harmonica?

You're my hero.

Yep I believe it's in the difficulty menu. As soon as I started on Forza 4 I was like.

That is about as much of a sim as Horizon was.

Willys owl has a question.

Sad but true.