
I don't know, the whole series of cookies felt like they were going to converge on Oreos anyway.

Eh, those cookies were derivative anyway.

I have no Beouf with bad puns.

Yes, that's more accurate, they are prepared in a single quantum state, which is supposed to resolve the mystery of why they can "communicate" faster than the speed of light, but that's never completely settled in my classical mind. Anyway, thanks for all the clarifications.

Really? I didn't see anything about a third particle in the articles on this.

Not to quibble too much, but the two photons always had the same quantum state; they were created that way. It's the result of the measurement that gets "transmitted" faster-than-light. If one photon is measured in the "up" state, the other will always be in the "down" state and vice-versa. If we had "entangled"

Two photons were created in an entangled state, one stayed behind in the desert, one got sent up into space. As far as the satellite or the scientists on the ground are concerned, the state of their respective photons are random (they can be in either an up or down state). If the scientists on Earth measure their

It took a genius like Isaac Newton to figure out how to make them taste good.

Considering that his last sneeze resulted in thousands of abortions, this seems fair.

Well, because the law tends to actually apply to us.

Does Iron Sheik fanporn count?

He's Our Lord & Savior, he can turn pocket lint into confetti. At least, I think that's how it went down in the Book of John.

Yup, as long as any Repub has to go through a primary, they will do their heil Trump. It's probably one of the reasons that Trump keeps doing so many crazy things: to show that he still has a scurrying mass of rats he can unleash on any conservative who dare cross him.

I get your point, but Brooks was trying to pull a horrible bait and switch argument here. People in the lower classes are not kept down because they don't know what pomodoro means; it probably has little to do with education or investment in their children either. This is basically Brooks pointing one step up the

Is that the command to have Mike Pence gyrate his buttocks while cumming?

Is that named after former president Grover Cleveland? Because he steamed me on two non-consecutive occasions.

$185 buys a lot of pitchforks.

Was about to post something similar, except it sounds like an old-timey newsreel ditty to me, as if a newscaster is about to start exclaiming the wonders of the 1913 World's Fair.

Smart Oreos: each cookie has a small non-toxic wireless chip that connects to a smartphone app and alerts you when they are coming out the other end, literally the Internet of Shit.

That plopping sound is not his voice. Hard to tell the difference, I know.