
I don't know about that, but you got my hopes up for a second. But don't worry, I'm used to disappointment by now. ;-)

Only Newswire stories were converted to the sidebar system. Are you saying that they reverted to normal? Because they are still in the old format for me.

Can you reheat shit to taste good?

Here's a short history of the world:
1) Nerds create Awesome Thing
2) Suits see Awesome Thing and get $ in their eyes
3) Suits ruin Awesome Thing, give Nerds wedgies
4) Nerds bitch about it then go look to make next Awesome Thing that will be ruined by Suits

Don't do it!

Apologies for being so defeatist, but sometimes it does feel like the suits always win. There's a simple reason for that: it's just easier to win when you're a douchebag. It's easier to cheat on a test than study for it. It's easier to find a sucker than to offer something of real value. Really, if you think about

Idiocracy 127
1984 4

So…seriously. I don't know enough about the underlying tech, but does this new format nudge your pageviews up even if the number of "real" views doesn't?

AVC was my last chance for love. (sigh)

Hey, what the hell is going on here? Who turned on infinite scrolling and why do comments pop up on the side?

I believe your assumption that Tinder VIPs provide cunnilingus is likely false for a large fraction of them.

You have to purchase the smart condom and allow Tinder access to the data.

Wait, then how do you watch porn on the bus?

Swipe right!

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside…
Oh Jesus H Christ! Morty! Morty! Get in here, the lamp's not lit again! Fuckin' amateurs!

It's been a while… but I think Tinder is in Revelations, pretty sure.

It's like his hair: puffed up and barely covering the white underneath.

You don't count Sean Spicer? Eh, sorry, that's cruel to dogs.

So he's more of a motorcycle than a Miata mid-life crisis.

I keep tryin' to press the little pointy up but the number only keep going up and down up and up and down I just leave it like this