have you decided where you are going to hide the kill switch?
have you decided where you are going to hide the kill switch?
I actually rank the average libertarian below mainstream republicans (in terms of basic intelligence and grasp of basic economics). I appreciate the social liberal side but they tend to understand jack shit when it comes to business and free markets. Not a lot of successful business men libertarians out there.
that's the dumbest fucking analogy ever. Are you honestly that fucking stupid or just disingenuous?
You're like a Fox News parrot. What sort of education do you have? (Honestly curious)
oil companies are the ultimate subsidy whores, dumbass.
*pour a 40 for my 1991 black on black SPG. I sold her for a song to a good friend but to this day feel shame and guilt for letting her go, rather than saving for a future restoration. I only hope Valhalla is treating her well.*
If you wanna talk trucks you gotta walk the walk. In truck world tire size is tire size.
klaus, on what planet is an S class ever less than over complicated?
oookay. Hast du a cool guy license plate that says "schnell", too? Du bist eine nincompoop.
I had a toy glider made out of wood once. If you looked at it sideways it would break. There's no way in hell you could build a house out of wood.
fair enough
you should get a horse and buggy. Very reliable. And no options in the buggy. Options are just stuff that can break.
you should totally get a Stanley steamer. It would be mad pure.
yeah. Abd the purity of the brakes with that stupid abs. And purity of traction with traction control. Good call
whaaaaa? My xdrive had issues never. BMW buyers aren't worried about the guy buying used with no warranty ten years from now.
nope. Not once BMW shows how to do it.
you should get a carburetor too
yeah - waze not google (though Google uses waze data)
oh hai PR flack for Verizon. Your comments on this thread have the appearance of a paid poster.