this bitch is dying for her own reality show (maybe airing right after preppers)
this bitch is dying for her own reality show (maybe airing right after preppers)
yeah but im sure you're equally bothered by federal tax subsidies for oil companies. Herpsderp Ron Paul Ronald Reagan because don't tread on me failed college Econ bootstraps.
all show no go
get off the crack pipe. That car will not out handle wrx. I cN never fathom why anyone buys an s or jcw. Overpriced and underpowered and not even good fuel Econ as a trade off.
finally some is ripping of Hyundai design language to show them what it feels like. Two bad it's from a tiburon a few generations prior.
*cue the GTR trolls*
and their marketing blows, too. Time to clean house. Awd everything. Burn eos.
zomg. Doug is buying a Phaeton!