Yeah, I got tattoos because I like tattoos. Crazy.
Yeah, I got tattoos because I like tattoos. Crazy.
I met a lady who had worked as a sideshow tattooed lady in the 40's. I loved her tattoos and yeah they aged but she was amazing and had art from those days. People do what they want for a variety of reasons.
Yes, because all people with tattoos get the based only on how others will perceive them and not for any personal reason what so ever.
lolwut? You save up for it. You get a job and work towards it. I don't know why that's hard to comprehend. Getting a sleeve isn't like a one-time ordeal. I'm pretty sure it takes lots of planning, time, and sessions, which means you can save up and pay as you go.
Because it's fucking Texas, and only white Christian males have rights.
I still don't understand why using a 'constitutional right' to take pictures against someone's will is okay.
I understand why people would feel like they couldn't talk about this. If we're being honest about feelings here, I honestly felt no sympathy for the women above. To be honest, I saved all my sympathy for their children.
One of the hottest doctors I've ever seen delivered my second son (via c-section). Nothing like having a crush on someone who's seen your insides! After my son was born, and the doc was sewing me up, I said to my midwife, "Make sure he puts my insides back the way he found them, OK?", and from behind the drape, he…
They should suspend him without pay.
The mere THOUGHT of dating a 22 year old annoys me.
My Dad has various mental health issues that make it very hard for him to have intimate relationships with family. I can only handle talking to him like once a week or so on the phone, and haven't seen him for almost two years now because I need to preserve my own sanity. However - he has his cats! They accept him…
I hope her list of demands includes not following the 3rd book at all. Man was that a pile of dogshit.
There used to be a Chinese restaurant nearby in Northern Virginia where we would order whole fish, Szechuan style. We went one night with friends and asked them to bring the largest fish they had. When they brought it out, it was arranged on the plate as if it was swimming towards us, and it was GINORMOUS. The husband…
We'll have to disagree that there was thinking involved in this decision.
It was used against female indentured servants. Out of wedlock pregnancy was illegal. Many women wouldn't name the father, for various reasons I'm sure people can figure out. They weren't allowed to wed while indentured, so if they got pregnant, it was already out of wedlock, so it was doubly illegal. They were…
It may be one of those archaic laws that never got off the books, like "No using your carriage on Sundays" or something.
concealing an out of wedlock fetal death? That's a pretty specific crime.
Happened to me in NYC. The only thing that shut down the questioning was the fact that they suddenly noticed that I was carrying a massive fucking bag with my laptop and about 4 books (seems an inconvenient thing to carry around while working). A massive bag that it took 10 minutes (or what felt like 10 minutes) to…
I think they're both pretty good actors, but I fail to see this chemistry that they supposedly have with one another. Maybe chemistry means something different than what I thought.