I'm with them on their cause, but their methods suck. Nobody should be subjected to sexual harassment (what this is), even if they're a world class douchecanoe like Rick Perry. This isn't helping their case one bit.
I'm with them on their cause, but their methods suck. Nobody should be subjected to sexual harassment (what this is), even if they're a world class douchecanoe like Rick Perry. This isn't helping their case one bit.
No, you're certainly entitled to your opinion, and it's definitely a valid one worth considering. I just think we get into a slippery slope when we start defining who can and can't portray something based on their own personal experiences. For example, who among us has experienced being a Nazi (hopefully not many), or…
I can understand why they cast a man, although it would have been better if they cast a trans woman. But I get it, being that it's a movie about transition and it begins with the character as a physical male.
I clicked too. I rarely have big reactions to things like this, but this one hit me really hard. Genuinely gasped and teared up.
If I could have a destination wedding and not invite people, I would. But I have family would get mad about these things, so I'm stuck with a huge wedding a home.
The unheated tent thing is just bizarre, and it's obvious we're not currently properly equipped to handle an issue like this. I wouldn't never suggest quarantine should be inhumane - in reality, there should be a part of the hospital that serves as a quarantined location where people can still be comfortable.
I didn't say anything about what doctors say about quarantining, so my facts have nothing to do with what you're talking about. I appreciate that not everyone feels quarantining exposed individuals is the right move. I respectfully disagree.
Apologies, yes, she's a nurse. Regardless, she knew the risk of contracting Ebola before she chose to work to help the patients, and she also knows that just because she's not showing symptoms today doesn't mean she wont show symptoms over the next couple of weeks.
She's asymptomatic for now, and hopefully it stays that way. But she knows as well as anyone that being asymptomatic on day 1 does not mean you will be asymptomatic come day 21. I would support quarantining people in their homes, but it's too hard to actually ensure they stay there, and to keep them from potentially…
See, this is it exactly. She could be exposed and not symptomatic yet. The offensive part is that she KNOWS it, and she's still fighting against necessary precautions.
It can take up to 21 days for Ebola to present, and I find it really offensive that a DOCTOR to would be opposed to quarantine during that period. Better safe than sorry, folks.
This makes me unspeakably angry. I have no words. I'd like to use violence instead.
I actually didn't recognize Renee in that photo. I'm not opposed to folks having work done if that's what they want, but it's so weird to see someone completely change their entire face.
Fixed that for you.
Re Clooney: Anything is possible. It's not uncommon for people to strive for more after marrying someone who is extremely successful.
Everyone has their stressers in life, and I'm totally on board with being able to vent to your friends about those stressers if it makes you feel better. The only thing I can't stand is the notion that being a SAHM is somehow harder than being a working mom. I can accept the compromise that it's as difficult, but I…
I wish I could argue against this, but I know a lot of people who had their parents do their laundry until they moved out (and by parents, I mean their mommies).
Good. Stupid little fuckterds from Hell deserve this and so much more.
Yep. It was because of this stupid photo leak that I found out Twitter searches start with a huge block of photos before all of the tweets. I was, however, relieved to see they took the photos down pretty quickly once it was brought to their attention.