Coming from a couple of two back problem havers, I can give a huge shout out to doggystyle as the MVP of sex positions in MY bedroom.
Coming from a couple of two back problem havers, I can give a huge shout out to doggystyle as the MVP of sex positions in MY bedroom.
Are we really going with the word "racist" to describe dating preferences or attraction? Clearly in many cases these preferences are the result of historical and contemporary attitudes towards men and women of different races and ethnicities. That's an important discussion to have. But I'm so uncomfortable with the…
I would be remiss if I did not point out how amazing this guy is for being such a good wingman for his fish. You don't want to date him? Fine. He's got 23 fish to introduce to you. They are tropical as fuck and ready to mingle. No hard feelings.
One Tropical-as-Fuck Fish
You should really piss up a rope, liberalsaredelusional.
the study focused on soda that contained high fructose corn syrup - can't say anything about diet soda.... which is why this post should really be edited to remove there reference to diet coke.
12,000 steps = about six miles. There is no way I have time to walk six miles a day just to justify drinking two sodas.
why do you hurt?
I was so delighted with Jon's handling of this interview, especially his comments about alcohol and rape (i.e. why don't we advise men to stop drinking instead of telling women to dress differently and drink less?). It seems like the Daily Show has touched on a lot of feminist issues in recent weeks, which makes me so…
Also as comparison, at the same time as HG is out, the "other" female lead in entertainment was a sparkly vampire chasing wannabe doormat.
i started typing, scrolled, and you word for word wrote how i feel about her, too.
I feel like I could buy one of those bathtub trays for my Olivia Pope-large wine glasses, my book or iPad. Hell, if I'm paying $22 mill, I'll get that shit made! Hand-crafted of the finest of wooden planks!
If I had $22 million extra dollars lying around, I'm sure I could probably also afford to pay someone to hold my wine glass and massage my shoulders when they got sore from holding my head up for so long.
I love the look of the tub, but would it really be comfortable for long periods of time? Where is the place to put the bath pillow? Is there enough space on the rim for a large wine glass?
if you're not getting enthusiastic consent, you aren't doing it right.
"It is not difficult not to rape someone. " That right there. Well put. The mic you broke when it hit the floor might be taken out of your paycheck, though. But worth it, I would think....
6'4", 250. Evasive enough to make a fast retreat. Wears school apparel.
A lot of fair points here and I find myself conflicted and, probably, a hypocrite (we'll see how I do tonight). My only issue with what you're saying is I don't hear a specific cry for what needs to change.
Consider forming really strong opinions about independent video games.
I don't really care about football, but I also don't really care about women. Is there some way I can use these two facts to make myself feel morally superior to everyone else without really accomplishing anything?