If you can afford to live on San Francisco, any place is a best place to live in.
If you can afford to live on San Francisco, any place is a best place to live in.
Yes and no. I live here. A few items:
The food is good
Public transit sucks
The MTA really gets off on ticketing and towing cars
Golden Gate Park is pretty much the best
Landlords are greedy
Non-tech employers are stingy with salaries
It's like anywhere — you take the good with the bad until you can't anymore and go…
Sure, if you have an ungodly amount of disposable income. -Signed, former Tenderloin resident
As a Bostonian, I just want to say that I appreciate the giant tree Halifax sends every year for Christmas. It's part of a charming tradition of recognizing mutual aide, and I'm always happy when I see it on TV being trucked in and hoisted up on the Common.
The anti-vaxxers aren't simply health nuts. They're conspiracy theorists. They have all of the information they need and they have the help they need to process that information to know to vaccinate. They just choose to discredit that information because it doesn't support their delusion. Doctors, researchers, public…
In some ways, SF is absolutely amazing. I've been here for seven years, and it is home to me.
However, there is a huge issue with the homeless population (mostly because there aren't enough mental health facilities to help them, and the ones that are here can do more harm than good), and the cost of living is…
SF is a pretty awesome city. But like anywhere else, it suits some folks better than others and it fosters its share of bullshit. I personally prefer the cities on the east coast that I've lived and think they're more awesome in ways that are important to me. But I won't deny that SF has a lot going for it.
If you're wealthy, yeah, San Fran is an awesome place.
SF is pretty great. In Massachusetts, where this buffer zone lawsuit started, the governor got involved the moment the Supreme Court decision came down and had new protective laws drafted. So far, haven't seen protests in front of the PP in Boston.
I'm not sure those people necessarily know much about a good diet, either. The type of people to be anti-vax are the type of people to believe in all types of pseudo-science shit, like juice cleanses, which make you lost weight by starving yourself. That might stop you from being obese, but it's probably not making…
I had to deal with some of these fuckers when they came to my campus on Wednesday, showing off pictures of dead fetuses. They screamed at me, and came uncomfortably close. They also told me my parent's interracial and interfaith marriage was going to go to hell. And that I dishonored them for being gay. So I made a…
After I ignored my neighbor's screams and found out later that she'd been put in the hospital for domestic violence injuries, I vowed to never mind my own business again when it comes to that sort of thing. I've checked on other neighbors over the years when I thought it was necessary. We need to look out for each…
It's not what's been reported (I assume you meant to the cops), it's what they answered on an anonymous survey — it's probably a much more accurate reflection of the true numbers than, say, what they cull from police reports. Still probably underestimated but it's an important finding because it theoretically…
So, let me get this straight. Almost 20% of women have been raped and almost 50% of women have experienced sexual violence. HALF OF ALL WOMEN. HALF!
Oh the domination fantasies are barely even the tip of the iceberg. There's so much stuff I enjoy that builds off of that, but is just really weird stuff that people don't get.
Fantasies of force/domination/bondage/"rape" are literally the most common among women. Knowing that, hopefully you won't feel so shy in future.
Oh the milking fantasy. Hentai has come through for me in strong force with that one.
yes, this. I carried guilt for ages, thinking that liking this was wrong, and that people who mistreated me could see the evil I tried to hide, because liking pain and finding bondage and domination comforting must have meant I was fundamentally broken. Fancying girls as well as boys was just slightly awkward for…
Finally, the first legitimate chance that Pissing Contest could win Pissing Contest.