Genuinely heartbroken this occurred 4 miles from my apartment and I wasn't there. Hey, boo. I still love you. (Also, nobody will ever be as bad as 50 Cent, but I'm not sure that would make anybody feel any better.)
Genuinely heartbroken this occurred 4 miles from my apartment and I wasn't there. Hey, boo. I still love you. (Also, nobody will ever be as bad as 50 Cent, but I'm not sure that would make anybody feel any better.)
This guy is going to kill someone someday. Heaven help anyone in front of him in line who gets the last cookie or movie ticket.
J Law should donate some of what she gets from suing these cretins to each of these charities.
if I had to pick a charity I thought would accept it, I'd pick PETA.
When are idiots going to get it through their heads that donating to charity in the name of bad behavior does not excuse said bad behavior?
Good for them.
They sure did. Lots of high school age guys do. I spent a year working at a high school an heard breasts much more often than boobs or tits.
Can we stop calling it a leak and start calling it a disgusting violation of privacy?
This is getting scary that you can be charged/prosecuted for having a miscarriage. If your body doesn't cooperate like it *should* and carry the fetus to term, be prepared to suffer consequences. As if you can even prevent a miscarriage or that a teenager would know what to do in that situation.
How the shit can you "abandon" a miscarriage?
Which should have been clue number 1 to him.
Apparently this was the vehicle he was driving....
They tend to export all qualities other than politeness. Justin Bieber channels their rudeness, and their NATO delegation channels their sarcasm.
i think flowbee actually thinks it's LITERALLY every white man. i bet that's it. i bet that is exactly what she's saying.
"I'm starting to think we've conflated 'free speech' with 'freedom to bully without consequences.'"
Huh...I paid more than that for speeding.
I enjoyed Cee-Lo's music. Shame he has such moronic opinions. Any artists with a similar sound that won't make my skin crawl?
Of course Wrecking Ball isn't about Liam, that would imply that she had something to do with it being written.
I really wish Cyrus would keep her frickin' tongue in her mouth.