
I don't doubt it - although NYC is as well. But you're probably right that NYC is more accessible to lower income individuals than SF.

Fair. Not to mention many of those listed tend to have more walkable areas. You'd be hard pressed to find sidewalks in the outside of city centres in many of the more obese states.

Mass is awesome - especially Boston. One of my favourite places I've visited. I'm from Halifax, NS, so we have a great history of friendship with Boston.

I do love NYC. I shudder to think of how expensive SF is if it's cheaper, though.

Speaking as an outsider, can an American please confirm my impression that SanFran is the best place in the US?

It's interesting reading this article right after reading the one about the CDC stats on measles. There's a huge overlap between the states with outbreaks, and the states with the lowest obesity rates. It seems to me that the states that place an emphasis on healthy diets/exercise and health education are

What in the actual fuck is wrong with people?

Maybe not weird in and of itself, but the moment I discovered this particular turn on will probably confuse some people.

I'm the same way. I really like being bossed around, especially if it's something I don't traditionally enjoy (like giving head). It may be strange, but my inner monologue when I'm having sex is usually along the lines of, "He owns you, you're only purpose is his pleasure, you don't stop until he cums." It may be icky

Same here with the sex slaves/rape. I've never been an enema fan and I don't like blood play - but I can watch a girl lick a dude's ass or choke on his dick all day. 90% of the time I feel like a total creep, but then I have an orgasm and don't care so much.

I'm of the same ilk. I was frankly afraid to bring it up on Jez though- thanks for breaking the ice!

I'm not surprised, though obviously disappointed. I have to wonder if her people have reached out to the individual who took the pictures to see if he/she would be willing to work with them on this. I imagine it's probably her current or ex boyfriend, neither of whom seem like unreasonable people.

Ha! This makes my day. I love seeing these assholes get taken down a notch.

I'm confident all of the charities they choose will follow in the Foundation's footsteps. Nobody will touch that money with a ten foot pole (pardon the pun).

Lol, that's awesome. Apparently I should be following Canada's NATO arm on Twitter for the lolz.

I just wrote this email to the Prostate Cancer Foundation with regards to the fundraising campaign.

To add insult to injury, Reddit users who view the pirated photos of Lawrence and other celebrities are donating money to a prostate cancer charity, the very definition of a dick thing to do.

Yes, and I think most people realize that Autism in it's most severe forms can consume the lives of entire families. But even so, as you mentioned, most people would rather have their child alive and living with Autism, than dead from a totally preventable disease.

Your son is the definition of awesome.

And yet they're the ones causing mass outbreaks of previously eradicated illnesses in urban centres. I can't even with these idiots.