
This is mesmerizing. It's so interesting to see the way art, as well as the ideals of beauty have changed over the centuries.

Not as much local news in Canada, but very much National. Local news is pretty micro-focused here to stories that take place nearby. That's not to say it didn't get mentioned, but it wasn't the top story every night or anything.

What's wrong with a tan suit?

Pretty sure Princeton doesn't want their name associated with Susan Patton, either.

You should really be offering free brain wipes after this. I mean, just do your social duty, Jezebel.

Lautner would need to do some serious rebranding (and maybe log some hours with an acting coach) to get into other things. I could see him becoming an action star if he could figure out how to be a little less... himself.

You know, KStew usually bugs the shit out of me, but I actually am completely on board with all of that. She's absolutely right about how actors are characters in the media's stories. They may be 'inspired by true events', but like most adaptations, they're still missing so many important parts. And the most important

There is no time of the year that I have to say, "But I'm not one of those Christians," more than during the holidays.

Well this is disappointing.

Dig the shape of this dress on her, but not much else. The metallic is really distracting, and the oral is an odd choice.

Should have won. And she looks amazing. Long Live Captain Janeway.

This is very Disney Princessish.

This is nice and age appropriate. I like that she didn't go for something too old or frumpy.

This is really cool. I like seeing something unique in the bodice.

This shape is so boring. Do *something* to give it some visual interest (other than smack me in the face with the colour).

I feel like this would chafe a lot.

I feel like this would have worked better if it wasn't orange and black. It's very Halloween-y as it is. Looks nice on her though

The skirt in itself is bad, but it might have been saved if the top hadn't been an ill-fitting button up. As it stands, she's a flamingo on the bottom, and a frumpy desk-jockey on top

This kind of looks like a prom dress to me.

She always nails it on the red carpet. Gorgeous.