
We should all move to Canada.

I’m trying to drink in the tone of this article. Should we think less of him for cutting ties with a long-time friends who did something that’s actually pretty shitty? Is that the gist of it?

I believe you mean Bill Maher. As for Dawkins, leaving aside the fact that he can’t be elected President in the first place, he hates Muslims too... And so does Maher. And both of them thought that a school is totally justified in assuming a smart Muslim kid who built a clock actually made a bomb because Muslims.

Yes, Bristol, you’re absolutely right. The police who dragged a 14-year-old out of school in handcuffs for building a science project and subjected him to hours of racist interrogation without allowing him access to a lawyer or his parents are the real victims here. The police and white people everywhere. Can’t put

“You should feel good about yourself! But not too good. Feel a little bad about yourself, too, or the boys won’t like you and the girls will think you’re a bitch.”

You assume she has the right to say no.

No kidding. Every criteria we create shrinks the pool. I had a “only date guys with college degrees rule.” Well I bent that rule for one dude and it didn’t work out because he thought college was a waste of $ and couldn’t carry an intellectual conversation. So yea, my wanting to date degree holders shrinks my dating

Well, rape by deception is a complicated area. If you tell someone you’ve got six million dollars (and you haven’t), and he sleeps with you in the hope that you’re going to be his sugar mama or daddy, he’s an idiot and you’re a jerk, but it isn’t rape.

I had the same discussion online with some idiot Chicago Blackhawks fans when Patrick Kane was accused of rape. I said it would be theft if she consented to sex and he just didn’t pay—although not enforceable as such because payment for sex (prostitutuon) is illegal. However, rape is rape—the definition doesn’t change


My friend’s fiancé was once like ‘Hohoho, if you rape a prostitute, is it rape or shoplifting, hohoho’ and I practically shouted ‘It’s rape, sex with someone who does not or cannot consent is rape, please stop talking immediately’.

Useless movie nerd fact: Ripley from the Alien franchise was originally written as a man. Now she's one of cinemas greatest asskickers.

—For a man to openly reject a woman because he found her fat would be social suicide.—

Very true. I can date a guy on the shorter side (no one is realy shorter than me since I’m only 5’2) if they aren’t tiny all around. I like a guy who feels like a guy to me. I once dated a guy who was 6’8, it was pretty hot, he could pick me up like i was a doll.

“Encouraging people to examine why they like what they like, and subsequently maybe expand their pool of potential mates” is great. “Chastising people for not liking something you think they should like” is not. In my head, this is kind of in the same category as how being fond of or drawn to a particular aesthetic is

I’m pretty short and I’m not at all turned off by short guys - my last boyfriend was barely 5’5”. But you know what is really unattractive? Short guys who are furious about it and think that they were betrayed by the universe, that they ought to have had some much better life than whatever disappointment they’ve

I continue to struggle with the fact that several of the republican candidates are so clearly brilliant (Jindal- Rhodes Scholar, Cruz- brilliant legal mind, Carson- literally a brain surgeon) but are so, so stupid. If ever there were poster children for not assuming innate talent endows functionality, it’s these

Any beliefs of non-violence I have are suspended when it comes to these fucking monsters. This woman did the world a public service.

Basically, any name besides Travis would have worked. Like, they picked the whitest name on the planet, and applied it to someone who would have been born when the name was only in occasionall use in a couple of Southern states.

She was elected and she has to be kicked out via election or by order of the state legislature and they aren’t likely to do that.

Mothers can do literally nothing that pleases the world.