
It recalls to me a time when we would call this “being taken advantage of.” He took advantage of her acquiescence. He took advantage of her soft “no.” Instead of waiting for her to be in the mood (if ever), he kept pushing. He was a bully and an asshole. She shouldn’t have to slap him in the face, stomp her foot, or

Oh I fully agree with you. I’d also like the conversation to steer in the direction of “how can we raise young women so they feel like they can say no?” Yes the men need work, yes yes yes. But so do we. Human beings need work in order to learn healthy intimacy and healthy interaction. I don’t know what how to do this

Yes I agree, this happened to me and I’m not sure how to describe it. A lifetime of coercion and uncertainty. Have another glass of wine to relax, to make sure you go through with it. It’s not rape. What is it?

Women are cast as the moral backbone of the society, so they become the custodians of sex. It’s men’s to take and women’s to keep. A woman’s worth is tied to how fiercely she guards it, so boys are conditioned to think ‘good girls’ say no and they are the ones worth pursuing. Her worth increases the more they have to

Whether this movie looks interesting or not is irrelevant. Jennifer Lawrence was gonna get trashed because she’s now on the “we are annoyed at everything she does” stage in this neck of the Kinja woods.

A racist, sexist, ignoramus with early-onset dementia gets elected President of the United States.

All I want is a top that doesn’t require me to wear ANOTHER top underneath so that my bra doesn’t show. Why is everything so see-through?!

Lol “jeans and a nice top” has been my going-out go-to for decades now and YOU WILL NOT TAKE THAT FROM ME!!!!

At some point President Obama is coming back for us, right?

Not entirely. Humans have historically not been a part of a shark’s diet. Most sharks east fish and small invertebrates; it is only the larger species that eat seals and larger prey. Only about a dozen of the over 300 different shark species have been involved in attacks on humans and almost all of those are

Kamala Harris is the only Senator on the judiciary committee who’s an actual prosecutor. This seems to especially bother John McCain (who’s been sitting in and interrupting her despite NOT being a member of the committee).

This poor fucking kid. And before people weigh in with this: Yes he was stupid. Yes his privilege led him To believe that grabbing a poster would be a fun prank. Yes, no sane person not on a jpurnalism or humanitarian mission should go to North Korea.

Would it be fair to say that Trump is the most dangerous threat to the environment after the industrial revolution?

If the person who can fire you begins a statement with “I hope you can” 99.9% of the population knows that really means “Do this or you’re fired” and we know this is what Trump meant BECAUSE THEN HE FIRED HIM FOR NOT DOING IT.

Oh yes, that sounds like a rational and logical take. Team controlling momager accused of physical abuse, and who twice lost custody after CPS found sufficient evidence of emotional abuse.

Thank you. This finger-wagging & support of an abusive, controlling parent is not what I expected to see here in the comments.

Guess you could say his rescuing skills are en pointe.

This appears to be based on an actual conversation with Wilson, as filtered through a fantasist’s take on reality.

The suit isn’t over the magazine being wrong about her name, though - it’s about them printing 8 different articles about how she was an unstable compulsive liar because she said ‘yes’ when asked if Rebel was her real name.

Ok, as a Disney person, there is an apartment in Disneyland, called the Disney Dream Suite, that VIPs and Disney big-wigs can stay at, that does have all sorts of cool, magical things that happen like twinkling star lights over the bathtub and pictures that come to life. So it sounds like Rebel got to stay in the