@adamthiede: Or humans.
@adamthiede: Or humans.
@Rob C: I don't look at Sprints "4G" network as even being 2G, 3G or 4G. Unless it can handle voice then I don't even look at it as a cellular technology.
@trev801: It's also really fast on 3G!
@PsycoMonkey42: Yep, It looks like they pulled it.
@Phanomenal: Why not just use the Ustream app?
"While happy meal toys have been getting crappier over the years"
@LinkTheLove: When there are several versions of a song it gets hard to distinguish them.
@viraj.paripatyadar: My guess is the weakening US dollar and increasing EURO.
When I was at a wedding the hall had WiFi and my Eye-Fi card and iPad connected to the network and I used the Eye-Fi app to show people photos instantly.
These are Real D glasses. They will not work with your current home 3D setup. Just the free* glasses at the movie theater.
@moetop: Its made out of platinum-iridium and its 130 years old, I don't know what the half life of it is but I am sure it has disintegrated since they first made it.
@Zonky: Nope, Hulu is blocking also.
@anydange: Don't forget to also put in your expiration date and security code.
@StormtrooprDave: Exactly my problem.
@StormtrooprDave: I see only an ad on "Where's it Up?" not [downforeveryoneorjustme.com]
I like [downforeveryoneorjustme.com] better. This site just doesn't work for me. It just gives me an ad on the result page ands thats it, just the "Wonder Proxy" ad.
For some reason, I think its a bug in Safari, if I'm playing HTML5 video and I close the window/tab the audio from the video will keep playing even though there are no browser windows open at all. I have to quit Safari to stop it.
Note: this is an EXACT copy and paste from the iOS App Store guidelines published a while ago.
@mullingitover: Thats why they labeled it "BETA"
I like doing FaceTime con. by myself. I can get an infinite window.