
"On each of these vehicles there are nine directional cameras for 360° views at a height of about 2.5 meters, GPS units for positioning and three laser range scanners for the measuring of up to 50 meters 180° in the front of the vehicle. There are also 3G/GSM/Wi-Fi antennas for scanning 3G/GSM and Wi-Fi hotspots.[3]

@Major-Dump: Also I think the cars use GPS to coordinate the images taken with the location. Just a bad article. They must have GPS and thats some other random guy.

@technerd2345: uses a wordpress plugin so its formatted for the iPhone and apple might have live streaming on the iPhone like they did for the iPod event.

Don't forget about bingo!!

@cinnamonster: because it doesn't work on Android phones

Well if you spell something wrong or you use the wrong grammar then we have a reason to complain. You are making it harder for the user to understand.

Wow, Steve on the call? Unheard of. Of course he is just bashing Google and Android.

Watch it be nothing but the White iPhone 4. =)

@SketchCritic: No? They sold 14.1 Million iPhones in the Q4 period.

This is exactly why I switched to FiOS. I cannot stand Cablevision's greedy employees. I always hated them and their tech support is as bad as it can be. I have never herd such rude people before. Hopefully they don't make an agreement so others can realize how much Cablevision is screwing them and switch to other

@foxh8er: Yea, Engadget is wrong. 2.0 and 2.1 were both "Eclair". Flan was never used.

What other desserts start with I?

@diabolusunknownTheThird: Not to mention that Samsung has an iOS app to control their Internet@TV (TVs?) and BluRay players from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

@thetickler: Really, you by a TV based on what the remote looks like? All I know is that I don't want to look down at the remote when surfing channels on a touch screen.

@EljhHck: Well actually I'm wrong. According to CNN it is about 30℃ (86℉) during the day and about 18℃ where they sleep (65℉)

@EljhHck: It's only like 100 degrees (F) with almost no ventilation. =)

@jaycustom79: Its been 67 days and the tunnel collapsed. They had to drill a hole into the ground, 1/2 a mile. to reach them in a chamber. Originally they were supposed to be out by Christmas! (They are 2 months ahead of schedule)

Wow, 2 months ahead of schedule!

You still call people?