They’ve voted, or at least allowed themselves to be ruled by religious fanatics.
They’ve voted, or at least allowed themselves to be ruled by religious fanatics.
Because those countries don’t recieve billions in aid. Israel is supposed to be some sort of standard bearer which is the justification usedfor giving a country with a gdp on par with the UK billions. You could always give back the money. The US might be able to use it to rebuild some of its failing infrastructure
I love that you accuse BDS and critics of Israel of being deranged lunatics given to conspiracy theories in the comment section of an article outlining how Jewish lobbyists and non profits are engaged in coordinated attacks aimed at harrassing critics of Israel into silence.
Yes, but at least in the early days Hitler was pro-Zionist. He wanted the Jews gone from Germany - ideally to Israel or Madagascar (srsly, that was a plan). It was only after WWII made those options untenable that they decided on extermination. Or at least that’s the version I’ve heard.
Harassment on both sides has taken place. Here’s an example of something that happened at McGill last week.
I don’t know why you’re being a jerk, but I did read what you said and what you responded to. You still didn’t answer my question. Why can’t you just clarify what you’re saying?
Yeesh, what did you mean, then? Did you mean that Jews who criticize “Zionists” and “Zionism” think that Jews control the media or not?
Not at all.
I just recognize when someone is more interested on insulting the other party than having a meaningful dialogue.
Salah is not a member of the BDS movement; the idea that BDS, a fundamentally anti-racist, pro-human rights movement, is a nest of bigotry because one professor spoke once to someone who had said anti-semitic things is absurd. Are you equally outraged about pro-Israel professors who speak with or praise the many, many…
Who’s talking about “disbanding” the country? BDS and pro-Palestinian activists are insisting upon the right of return in accordance with international law and basic human decency; those who are victims of ethnic cleansing have a right to return to their homes and no state has a right to ethnically cleanse; not…
I’m actually pretty good, but I’m also a learner, and I learned to identify when someone isn’t prepared to learn some things :)
“I’ve never seen anyone criticize “Zionists” without being at least 15 minutes away from dropping a “you know who REALLY controls the media.”
Jesus, you realize there are Jews who oppose Zionism, right? I’m one of them. I guess I’m a self-hating Jew, then.
The “Zionist Union” is not liberal. I don’t think you’ve very familiar with the reality of Israeli politics if you think it is. Herzog engages in racism against Arabs just like Netanyahu or Bennett.
To make it even more fun, some of the pro-Israel types are scary fundie Xtians who secretly see Jews as lesser, but 1. hate Muslims more and 2. need Israel to exist for some convoluted bs Armageddon scenario.
The offer had more benefits for Israelis than Palestinians.
Oh, you mean ultra-Orthodox Judaism?
I was so disappointed in Clinton when she came out strongly against the divestment movement.
That’s pointless semantics. Oppressing Palestinian women doesn’t get better just because they also oppress Palestinian men. And rape is always a gender issue.
oh ok. i guess killing grandmothers is ok and extorting gay people into risking their lives is cool. glad we cleared that up.