Crispin Waugh

It’s almost entirely cultural. Look at where the Muslims of the world actually live and how they dress; the nations with the most Muslims, notably Indonesia and Pakistan, do not enforce use of niqab. (There’s a state-by-state analysis at Wikipedia: Hijab by country.)

There is no mention of the Burqa in the Qu’ran only a call to dress modestly. The Burqa is cultural not Islamic.

This. She’s being a politician. She knows which way the tide is turning and it’s not towards unity and tolerance and diversity. Right now a lot of people in Europe are scared over the instability, the refugee crisis, and they’re blaming foreigners and the EU. Right now your choices are the moderate parties pretending

Well, when you’re NWO...

Is it bad that I’m ok with this as a pragmatist? I don’t think she’s serious and is merely saying it to win her campaign. Considering the stakes (she’s the last non-far right leader standing in the western world), do what you have to do.

I’d be OK with banning trilbys.

He can’t do the pick throw - being a Harvard graduate, Fitzpatrick had the foresight to trademark that particular move.

Too bad he didn’t go “Full Hall” and kill a man outside a nightclub

Pictured: Indianapolis on a Sunday night.

The Colts and Raiders play each other in three weeks. If the NFL had a sense of humor, they’d flex it into Sunday Night Football and bill it as Funter Bowl I.

I don’t know about a thug, but he’s definitely a Bad Guy.

I understand he probably didn’t have enough time, but it would have been nice to know whether or not the fans were there to see “dubya C dubya” or if they were there to see the “N - W - O”

I feel like your inconveniences are less important than the real issues here, yet somehow you wrote an entire article about how much it sucks to be cold.

I hereby suggest, no, DEMAND, a “Funters” tag.

Ah yes, right to the “you’re a racist” if you disagree.

“surprisingly lenient”

Can’t speak for Louisiana, the only state still operating under Continental Law, but in Texas a murder committed under “sudden passion arising from an adequate cause” is treated the same as manslaughter (second degree felony), but the defense has to bring that up as opposed to the prosecutors capitulating from the

God this is all so absurd