Crispin Waugh

The one player seemed to be trying to stop his whole team from ganging up on him... so there is that.

I swear the weather always looks the same in every one of these violent soccer videos. It’s always overcast with a 65% chance of suicidal inclinations moving into the area.

So is the juror conceding that their personal beliefs — not any residual reasonable doubt or even a disagreement over whether or not the legal standard for voluntary manslaughter and/or murder has been met — are preventing them from convicting Slager of his accused crimes? Their focus on their own conscience is awful

I am dying to know exactly what the reasonable doubt is that this guy is seeing. Its not like this is a video where it begins in the middle of the action we got to see the entire execution and attempted cover up. I’m thinking this juror is one of those #BlueLivesMatter people who was never going to vote guilty for

I mean, the cop claimed on the stand to have truly been in fear and believed in the heat of the moment that Mr. Scott had stolen his taser. If I had to guess, this juror seems to have settled on “I can’t actually figure out what was in his mind so that’s reasonable doubt,” when in reality the videotape is so clear

Ugh. I simultaneously admire his dedication to the principle of not convicting when reasonable doubt exists, while at the same being 100% sure this moron has no idea how to tell what kind of doubt is reasonable.

So this guy definitely has connections with the local law enforcement, then, right?

So you didn’t read the article then?

In Louisiana, a person’s vehicle is an extension of their house, which is afforded the Castle Law where you can shoot if you feel threatened or in imminent danger.

Depends on what said black person was doing. If they were forcibly removing a person from their vehicle, then this was justified.

Gotta be super easy to lift prints from a car door.

Let me remind you of the recent Wil Smith case in which the deceased was initially said to be the victim of road rage when in fact:

People don’t fist fight anymore? Back in my day we walked four miles in the snow backwards just to knock a hat of some old chap’s head. Better days.

That’s not how it works, you have to be charged with a crime first. In most states they can only hold you for 72 hours without a prosecutor bringing charges.

So the old guy dragged the recent NFL player from his car? Seems unlikely. Not necessarily impossible, but I’m not going to give that full credence just yet.

That statement is exactly what is wrong with this country. Were you present during the altercation? Do you have all of the facts? Do you know anything other than the race of the two parties involved? I didn’t think so, try not to go passing judgement until you can actually speak intelligently about the situation.

Well, it’s Deadspin (and the media at large). A historically disadvantaged type died allegedly at the hands of a privileged type, so big story. Vice versa? No story.

I wasn’t referencing self-defense laws, just broad legal concepts. 49 states use the British common law; 1 uses Napoleanic law.

Yeah that is a totally different scenario than what is being put out by the cops, but if true would obviously negate any presumption.

Wait - why does the race of anyone involved here matter? These were two private individuals going about their days and somehow they collided into a situation where now one of them has shot the other. This isn’t a police officer shooting a black man, this is one man shooting another.