Crispin Waugh

charge him with assault for what? And just because someone was shot and killed doesn’t mean that it warrants a charge, unless there are no legitimate cases of self-defense. I have no damn clue what happened here but I also don’t understand the rush to judgement. You know how two very different alleged witness

Yeah I see that too. Kind of hard to “yank the driver out” from the passenger side, but if he opened the door or reached in the passenger window, the presumption would probably still apply.

And if he plowed into an oncoming car or pedestrian and someone else was killed what would you say then?

Right. Because it would be a lot easier for minorities in the south if we had “let them go”? Brilliant.

Idk ask all the people who said Michael Brown had his hands up or was running away. People lie for attention all the time. It’s a way to see their name attached to a story.

Just because something is not illegal, doesn’t make it right.

“Regardless, even if that particular witness’ claims are factually incorrect, the bottomline is the motherfucker shot an unarmed man standing in the street. That is a crime.”

Certainly not, but shooting someone in self-defense is, by definition, not a punitive action.

So the West Bank of Jefferson parish is full of rural southerners? You haven’t been there in the last 20 years have you. Not much rural, southern or white in that 20 mile radius.

I just read up on this statute. It was pretty controversial when it passed, evidently. Pro Tip: don’t open someone else’s car door in Louisiana in anger. It’ll be the last thing you will do.

This is the second well written comment that actually addressed and answered the questions in my original post... the fuck is going on here, this is Deadspin, right?

Wow, I’m just going to respond to this since these comments are all too prevelant and people fail to understand how investigations work. This is not a clear cut case of murder or manslaughter. Yes we know who is responsible for firing these shots. But what was the reason? Are there more witnesses or evidence that will

I mean it is likely due to a lack of evidence to bring charges. You can’t hold someone indefinitely without charging them with a crime so if they felt like they don’t currently have sufficient evidence then they what else would they do? We don’t know what other evidence they have that would lead them to this

1.) Justifiable homicide does not require the decedent to be armed.

Do you often get mesmerized by shiny objects? Yeah...thought so.

No. In most states you may employ a legally present firearm to use deadly force to defend yourself from a reasonably apprehended threat of death or severe bodily harm. “Reasonable” matters quite a bit in all of the above - shooting someone on the ground (assuming they are not armed and shooting at you) is virtually

I can’t say I have had a chance to sit down and talk with either of those so no I haven’t. Not sure what that has to do with anything, nobody here is talking about stop and frisk and I agree that it is wrong. Troll harder next time.

This happened not far from where I live. These types of events are a regular occurrence here. The only thing that makes this case special is that the victim was a ball player.

Let’s see...

Innocent until proven guilty? Check.
Appears to be self-defense? Check.
Shooter not a flight risk during ongoing investigation? Check.

No reason to keep him locked up.

So just standing his ground with some road rage and murder in broad daylight in the middle of an intersection?