Crispin Waugh

Generally, menacing would by holding it or having your hand on while in a verbal altercation or making threats. Waving it around could be considered menacing as well. So if I was yelling at you or threatening you while havin my hand on a gun that’s still holstered on my hip, that could be considered menacing. It very

That’s an interesting logical point. It also means that the opposite is true, the police had the choice not to shoot poor Mr. Scott and chose to shoot, a perfectly legal and alternative method for police to conduct themselves when confronted with someone holding a deadly weapon who refuses to drop it when ordered.

Thank you! The little I know about open carry made it sound like the idiot “activists” in the picture below. What you are describing, I had assumed was concealed carry.

As someone from a red state, open carry only allows you to carry a visible firearm secured in a holster. If you’re arguing with someone and even try to reach for it, that’s a terrible idea. People that open carry, conceal carry, or carry in their cars are expected to alert police that they’re carrying a firearm (if

was not innocent, was not mistakenly approached. please, just a little bit of reading

I have no doubt that the TBI is why he didn’t drop the gun, it sounds from all the evidence like that’s the case. And the cop maybe should have listened to the wife. However, the cop NOT listening to the wife and believing her immediately, when there’s a gun in play and there’s an immediate perceived danger, doesn’t

Or maybe he should have dropped the gun the first several times the cops told him to drop it.

He did dumbass, they found it with HIS DNA on it, loaded along with an ankle holster!! But of course, cops planted ALL of this on him while on video, despite his mile long rap sheet for assaulting a cop, his wife, illegal weapons while just serving 6 years in prison! Yup, must be the cops fault!

They are on VIDEO telling him to drop the gun MULTIPLE TIMES!!! So you think it actually HELPS with his wife stating he has a brain injury and just took meds....while he’s holding a gun??!!

You’re right. The fact this guy was even on the street with his mile long rap sheet is completely broken.

He did have a gun. Did you not see that part? He had a gun, his wife knew he had a gun. She may not have known he had it on him at the exact time because she couldn’t see it, but she went to the press afterwards and told everyone that he didn’t have one, which was not true.

I don’t think mental capacity enters into it here. During the encounter, the officer had no way of knowing Scott had a TBI (unless he had previous encounters with him). His wife was shouting it - but in reality, do we expect officers to accept without reservations things being yelled at them? And Scott had TBI, but

You can’t be holding a weapon in your hand in open carry states, dummy.

...the black cop’s gun was taken in for ballistics, not to mention he STATED he shot him and is on VIDEO doing so idiot!

Seriously? You think an ex-con with a record a mile long including assaulting an officer and having a weapon while out on parole...will get his family money?? The same family that recently filed a restraining order against him for assault??!

Hey look everyone, another factually incorrect Anna Merlan story trying to push an agenda! Shocking!

The police are pretty much equal opportunity when it comes to killing people.

Open carry does not mean open brandishing. This is an easy mistake to make by people not familiar with gun laws. If you are carrying a firearm, you are not allowed to point it at anyone or use it in a menacing manner. You are also supposed to obey police officers, and any responsible gun owner will immediately tell an

I bet the whole “reading a book” with no gun thing will be a lie constantly repeated just like how Mike Brown had his hands up walking away even though it was fully debunked as false. If you need to make up shit to prove a point, you’re just trying to push a false narrative.

In this case, they found a gun. The wife said there wasn’t one, but she was wrong. She also had known he had a gun because she had filed a domestic violence report against him before the incident and said he had one. Having TBI doesn’t mean you are excused from obeying a “drop the gun” order.