Crispin Waugh

They just need a new name, other than pro-life. How about alt-life?

Wow! Thanks for the info. After reading the details in that article it really sounds like he made some poor decisions. It looks like my anti-corporate paranoia was misplaced.

That must be why he’s getting no jail time.

I’m curious how much his 24+ hours awake had to do with delays that weren’t his fault, overly aggressive timelines, poor work conditions, etc. I’m not immediately dismissing the possibility that he is at fault. I’d just love to hear his side of the story.

All politicians are fickle and self-interested...but it could also be out of a sense of duty to the country ‘cause Trump is also considering people like Guliani and Bolton.

Can we stop criticizing Mitt for going for SOS? He’s sane, competent, and qualified-qualities sorely lacking in most of Trump’s cabinet picks. Also, he’s at least somewhat willing to criticize Trump, at least enough to completely unhinge Kelly Anne. I take that as a good sign.

Yeah, does this dude know there is a picture? And it is sooooo obvious he is grabbing her ass in the picture, seriously. Dude was a DJ here in Denver and I guess was fired a while ago (not sure if it was because of this or what, I never heard of him before this but I don’t listen to country) and our local weekly ran

Well, worth pointing out that the guy is saying that another guy who was standing right there and who could have also done it did it.

I honestly respect Republicans who took the stand that Trump was fucking awful and couldn’t endorse him. John Kasich is a lot of awful things, but at least he didn’t endorse Trump like that craven weasel Ted Cruz.

I had never heard of Czech Stop (I’m Canadian), but google images tells me it looks DELICIOUS.

I have a Buc-ees koozie. I also have Buc-ees socks.

I’m going to texas in January, and no lie, I’m most excited to go to Buc-ees.

P.S. I am from central Texas, which means we drove through Waco every time we went to Dallas. The only thing I love about that town is that BEAUTIFUL collection of fast food restaurants directly across the interstate from Baylor. They had everything a hungry driver could ever want.

It sounds like she’s positioning for a defamation lawsuit, which she’ll never file because it would mean that they’d have to prove that Barron isn’t autistic, plus they’d have to prove that the person who made the video did it with actual malice. Plus, the video would have to make a clear false claim, which as you

It’s what the Trumps do. Threaten to sue and since most people don’t have the resources to take on Trump and his team of lawyers they just kowtow to him.

This seems like an ill-advised lawsuit. What would the charges even be? I don’t even understand. If he is on the spectrum, their grounds are completely unfounded, and it would be discovered almost immediately. If he isn’t, the video doesn’t claim that he is as a fact, so there is essentially no case?

The Trumps:

Huh, why can’t you understand, that ‘self-radicalization’ with muslim extremists is used in the same context, that also attributes murders by white, right wing radicals to so called ‘lone wolves’? If you don’t buy into the lone wolve theory, why believe the self-radicalization nonsense? At some point in his life, this