Crispin Waugh

Maybe because Israeli is the only country that the UN/International Community brought into existence in this way? So maybe they sort of have a special obligation to the original inhabitants of that land who continue to get screwed over by Israeli policies and violations of international law.

Worth pointing out that Hamas isn’t the group firing many of those rockets. Other groups in Gaza know they can put pressure on Hamas by launching them. It hurts Hamas credibility with Gazans if they aren’t the ones resisting the most, and it provokes punitive Israeli strikes against Hamas targets since Israeli holds

Actually, in their last election, they picked a very moderate candidate who ran a platform of improving civil rights and opening up better relations with the West. He won over half of the popular vote, and the next closest candidate was around 15%. And this was with nearly 3/4 of Iranian voters participating in the

You’re doing the Lord’s work here.

If it is, it’s excellent. If not...please read up on the 14th Amendment and its relationship to the Bill of Rights.

Is this satire?

Well, let’s break this down-Sodastream is a company that engages in violations of the Geneva Conventions; China is a country in which some businesses engage in other abhorrent practices. Not really a great comparison, is it? If I had said something negative about doing business with any Israeli company, maybe your

Well, let’s break this down-Sodastream is a company that engages in violations of the Geneva Conventions; China is a

Way to do business with a super ethical company! Not like they’ve been involved in violating the Geneva conventions or anything.

Way to do business with a super ethical company! Not like they’ve been involved in violating the Geneva conventions

Rick Barry might be the current title holder.

Hosting an event at an auditorium or using university resources is not the same thing as proclaiming out on the lawn.

Based on my years of experience watching movies about art thieves, it may have been to remove the pictures from the frame and roll them up in a tube to carry rather than try to lug the pic+the frame around without getting noticed.

Trump got 2.5 million votes in NYC, and about 1.5 in all of Indiana. In a city that big, there are at least a few assholes of every variety roaming around.

You’re a little dense, aren’t you? Either that or you’re bad at derailing. Let me recap for you, using quotes.

True, but how many people killed has never been much of a concern to Americans. Just look at who is on our money!

Actually, would you like to be educated on the application of the 1st Amendment to public campuses? The self-righteous condescension is cute, but you clearly have zero grasp on the topic at hand. I’ll overlook your poor manners and educate you. Out of the goodness of my heart.

They’re trying to use violence and fear to prevent their ideological opponents from exercising their civil rights. If that’s not fascistic, I’m not so sure what is anymore.

That would be in very poor taste, but legally, they would be entitled to the same access to public fora as a group called “Californians for Clean Water.” Until it crosses the line of directly inciting violence, there’s not much you can do to limit hate speech in that sort of context. If this were a private

I work in higher ed. You’re actually more likely to find conservatives in the hard sciences and engineering departments. The sexist/racist shit is obviously everywhere, but it’s much more pronounced and overt in the STEM fields, which also tend to skew heavily male. The social sciences (aside from econ) and liberal