Crispin Waugh

Things might be looking a little more purple in Tx after tonight. 45ish% of Texans have Hispanic ancestry, and the ol’ orange meanie may have motivated a very large number to go vote.

“Hack” comes from the word “hackneyed,” which means that something has lost its meaning or impact by being overused or repeated too many times. Jokes can be “hacky” when they are too obvious or familiar, but comics can be considered “hacks” as well. Comics who use the same old material, or who use jokes that are known

Yep, that’s pretty much it.

So if the issue might be at the negotiation phase, how does one rectify it?

Yep, all of those things and more. This is one of those problems with 1,001 sources and different facets

It takes places on the aggregate. It’s not like you can look at 2 job candidates, one a lady, one a fella, and decide to hire the lady because you know you’ll have to pay her less.

I’d bet my bottom dollar that Islamic homophobia played a significant part in it. Whether or not “honor” factors into it is another matter. I can’t imagine that, if my daughter were caught in the act of something considered dishonorable, I’d want to make it a matter of public record, like, you know taking it to

I’m well aware of how fucked up Muslim countries can be. My mother told me all kinds of stories growing up about seeing thieves hands cut off and all that jazz.

Looks like it’s just a ring from Kay.

She could be mentally unstable, mad at her daughter for something unrelated, or just a plain ol’ raging homophobe. Assuming that’s connected to “honor” in the absence of any other information beyond the country where it happened? racist. That’s like assuming that anyone in Morocco who has a concussion must have

Found the racist trope!

Unless Kay Jewelers sponsors the Bear’s stadium decorations, which they very well might, a literal ring seems pretty likely given the tweet.

Paraphilia, yes. Sex addiction? Not in the DSM.

My support group lousy with nymphos

If you’re so familiar with biblical scholarship, can you point to a single credible scholar who backs your position that Jesus was all about not just maintaining Halakha (a set of tribal laws specific to the “chosen people” ie not future gentile converts to Christianity) but extending them to a set of people for whom

Did you miss the last line? “Until everything is accomplished.”

When was that? We’re down about 40% from where gun*homicide deaths were 20 years ago.

Violent crime has actually been on the decline for several years

Based the demographics of the shooter and his pal, one is statistically far more likely than the other.

I live in somewhere with open carry. I’ve only seen it done 3 times, once in a restaurant, which was startling, and twice by White Lives Matter nazis in an attempt to intimidate the much more numerous counter-protesters. I’m much more fearful of election day than of Halloween.