Crispin Waugh

Most Christians I have spoken insist that those rules no longer apply, because Jesus. Though Jesus actually said the opposite. Paul (who never even met Jesus) was the guy who said those rules are no longer a big deal, because he was trying to make the religion appeal to the Romans and Greeks

I know the one you’re talking about, I think. The one off 22nd near the bike trail?

Guessing they don’t advertise that to the Yoga One crowd

This is immediately what I thought of too

Drumming truther here. A rimshot is actually something different-when you hit the rim and head of the snare drum with different parts of the stick at the same time. It sounds like a gunshot.

The idea that somebody is going to get their ass kicked every day is just plain stupid. Regardless of context or circumstance, if you get your ass kicked once or twice, your natural self-preservation will lead you to avoid further situations that could lend themselves to subsequent ass kickings.

La. has been heavily Catholic for a long time, so people from there or whose families came from there originally are often RC. Post-Katrina, there’s a considerable Louisiana diaspora throughout the region.

You really want to sext you some kids, don’t you?

Umm, no, not all like that. The “US” in your example is eitherbeing used as an abbreviation for the possessive case (United States’) or simply as adjective. The word “Mexico” clearly is not. “Mexico’s” or “Mexican” would make grammatical sense, but when you just copy+paste directly from other writers, sometimes you

Believe it or not “the Mexico Supreme Court” was what I was referring to. That’s like writing “the France Parliament” or the “Germany Ministry of Education.”

If the conversation was through text and the person who said it included a picture of himself holding a loaded gun (while his child slept next to him, maybe?), wouldn’t that change things a little bit?

I would bust that tight pussy so hard and so often that you would leak and limp for a week

I bet he’s equally concerned about the censorship of tasteful art too

It’s not like he’s getting paid to write about the relevant details or context or anything like that. Mexico’s all the same, right?

If a john doesn’t pay at the end, is it also rape?

I think you just kayfabed soccer

There have been several in the last month or so that have just had factually incorrect info too that have never been corrected, despite it being pointed out repeatedly in the comments.

well now he can’t reverse his decision...

2nd para of the 2nd link says it was in Metepec

outside his home in Mexico