
I don’t think Jamie is going to try to save Cersei. He really likes Brienne, but as he told her, he feels guilty of everything he has done, and he’s going to try to redeem himself by doing the most decent thing he could do, being the one who kills Cersei. And pretty appropriate if you thing, considering he is the king

All hail King Tyrion!

Are you really suggesting that Missandei should have got plot armor because she is black and/or a woman? Heck, I’m glad the writers didn’t think like that as that’s the sort of logic which is ruining entertainment nowadays.

So sad that EA ruined them. You can see that this was a product of real passion. Damn EA!

They were in New York all the time.

Shapiro is Ramsay Bolton.

Wow! A good movie based on videogame characters.

I wonder if they simply have a partnership with TV manufacturers, and thus they want to promote OLED HDR televisions. Heck, I dislike this trend of dark scenes.

Probably Double Dragon on the arcades or Ghostbusters on the MSX.

Yeah, and it's really silly. Batman and Superman had series in the previous century and the cartoons were amazing. Why can't DC and WB see the potential here and make good quality TV series with the heroes, especially considering their movies have been such failures for quite a while.

Wow, I have awful spatial orientation skills. I won’t if I may have Alzheimer.

Only a few years till people start living in the Matrix.

I hate this trend of ultra black episodes. I remember when directors filmed during day and then added a blue filter. Whichever the case, I like when I can see the details during night scenes.


C'mon, Atlus, when is Persona 5 coming to PC?

What about Friendship? I would love to have them back in Mortal Kombat.

Getting rid of slavery is good. Period. It would be fantastic not to have that shameful part of history. As much as I hate political correctness I don’t understand how people can be upset about this.

Yeah, I still remember when I dreamed about an Ironman or Captain America movie, and there were comments that they would never get made because people don’t know them as they know Superman, Batman or Spiderman.

Hey, she's cool! I always liked weird characters like Voldo, Blanka and Oro in Street Fighter. I don't know why? Maybe it's the challenge or the fact that they are unique and not boring.

That's real patience!