The Last of Us 2 doesn’t deserve any awards. Period.
The Last of Us 2 doesn’t deserve any awards. Period.
No, YOU are a bad person. How does it feel?
This comment will probably be deleted, but this was the worst console review ever!
Best game of 2020!
I just miss going OUT. Going to the park, to a restaurant, to the mall.
Well, the testers tried to warn them, and in return they fired them because they were to sexy or something.
GTA Online, Ys 1 & 2, Hearthstone.
There’s a difference between real oppression and perceived oppression by people being offended about anything.
Thankfully the crisis society is facing nowadays will make everyone care about what’s really important and not if you felt triggered because people didn’t give you a job because you have blue hair.
What can save it is giving its audience what they want, instead of trying to push an agenda full of dull characters. Remember when comics were about fun and excitement?
This game is a real classic! I felt so proud when I could beat it. It’s quite difficult, which is appropriate because it represents quite well the experience of going to a very strange and hostile world.
If Germany had won the war, Kotaku would have an article about how wrong it is to show the Americans as cool in WW2 games. Kotaku is always the same in all timelines.
USA is the only country that nuked another. Even after they had already won the world.
I've been in the mood for classic games, so I'm replaying The Secret of Monkey Island. I used to play it every year, but it's been a while since I last played it. It's cool because it's the first time I play the Special Edition. This voiced version is great, although the graphics could be better, as they lost some of…
I think it has a 90's TV quality thing to it, which can be a good thing. Whatever the case at least it's fun.
I love the song! It’s so incredible catchy! A wonderful medieval pop song.
So, level 6 is basically a David Lynch plot in a game.
And like most videogames, its plot is nonsensical at times, its characters one-dimensional, and its ending is unsatisfactory.
Well, now we can add the end of the Skywalker saga to that.
Well, this movie made me even more excited for Dune 2020.
The funny thing is that she killed him. So did evil win? They could have taken more advantage of the whole thing that Palpatine killed her parents, so she could give in to her anger.