
The fact that he managed to piss off his former city’s fanbase on the way to greener pastures that not many people will be an actual improvement means he’ll fit in quite well with the soon-to-be Las Vegas Raiders, a franchise that knows a thing or two about that sort of thing.

As of yesterday’s new episode of Doom Patrol, I’m happy to report that Matt Bomer appears to be going down this same path.

It means they want to be a contrarian, but don’t know how to shitpost.

The difference between 2015 and 2019 in that one inbedded tweet is pretty noticeable. If I had to guess I’d say he looks like a hard-living 36 year old.

It’s because he has the Time Stone, isn’t it.

And the last two “abusive coach stories” have been women’s programs. You’ve come a long way, baby!

Counterpoint: They’re okay, maybe even meh, and that’s what’s great about them.

A master Brewer knows when not to overdo the hops

It is sort of a pessimists club, isn’t it?

Your last sentence is redundant, you know. “This drives me up the wall. Many things drive me up the wall. This is one of them.”

Yeah, it feels really misguided to care about this movie in the context of Batman or the extended DCU. Like, the existence of a Joker origin story doesn’t supersede ALL OTHER Joker stories. They are currently telling a Joker origin story on Gotham and nobody cares because it’s bad. If this movie is good, then I will

That’s true! But I’m not sure that this movie is laying down a claim to be the “one and only” origin story. Granted I haven’t seen the movie yet or the entire suite of marketing, so maybe they do try to say “Batman ‘89's origin for the Joker doesn’t count,” but maybe they leave it open ended. Who knows?

The killing joke origin story altough was referenced by many writers in the comics, it was never established as the definitive Joker origin story. The character had many other origin stories even after the Killing Joke, and that basically means that “no, you dont know the real origin story, and you never will”.

I find it suspicious that both of these have exactly 69 likes and 69 retweets. 

Yeah ok BUT. But.

No story is ever allowed to end. No character is ever allowed to be retired. Studios just bring them back and drop them into whatever recycled trope they didn’t use last, because they know it’ll sell anyway.”

It is just a story, told by someone with a perspective. As with all comic characters with at least one adaptation, noting is definitive.


Reminder: This is DeadSpin if you pay attention to 85% percent of the articles absolutely nothing makes them happy and everything sucks.

Counterpoint: This looks AMAZING! It looks like Taxi Driver but with the Joker as Travis Bickle. DeNiro and Scorsese are even involved! Joaquin Phoenix has a manic Daniel Day-Lewis vibe!