
It’s fair to boo the crap out of a star player who spurns your team for a rival.  Doesn’t mean he’s wrong for taking the better contract.

I dunno what to do when somebody apologizes like that. Cannot compute.

If there’s one thing I associate with Deadspin, it’s their constant Virginia hate. Why I can’t get enough of the TonyBennettSucksCast that they air every week.

Those band members should just brush this off. The Scope of it is not as terrible as they seem to Oral B, er, orally, arguing.

Rick Barnes is definitely a good coach—I mean, he’s one of like 6 people to take multiple teams to #1 and he made Clemson relevant for a second—but he has a well-deserved reputation for kind of crapping the bed in March.

So you’re saying the guy who failed to reach the second round of the tournament with Kevin Fucking Durant and another future decent NBA player came up with this idea? Weird.

“Concentrate on the corners. Envision the side lines and the base line in your head. Now, Maginot Line at all.”

She’s just trying to Kerber her enthusiasm....

MMmm, that's a sour kraut.

What Doc said. Y’all need to just move on. There’s no news here. Sorry watching a coach yell at a player brings back guilty feelings of you yelling at your kids?  I’d blame that on Izzo too.

Can you show me where I said basketball in any form was as important as raising kids?

You’re tripping over yourself to condemn him for this. Why?

You somehow made a comparison to Hitler. But yes, I’m the one who got unreasonable first. 

Yes let’s get into some weird teacher student semantics on this! His role is DEFINITELY most clearly defined as a teacher and not a coach. 

Easy, it’s the time when everyone suddenly got a voice and whoever can yell the loudest and make the most noise gets the most attention. We live in a time that if you don’t agree with my opinions or sensibilities, not only are you wrong, but you are a terrible, horrible person who should be punished, publicly

JESUS. LOL. I expected some blowback to my response, but buddy, I don’t even know where to start with this cockamamie bullshit.

Let’s hear more about how a single elimination tournament at one of the highest levels of basketball is the same as raising 7 year olds tho

I’m not sure when we arrived to this era of “who can apologize the fastest” but this hyper vigilant analysis of the Tom Izzo moment is so confusing and completely unnecessary. It was a heated explosive moment. I’m sure Izzo knows he lost control, but saying that he lost control to the press undermines the relationship

Yelling WOOOOOOOO! in the coach’s face I assume

Netflix’s movie selection is god-awful, too. It takes an eternity to sort through all the random Netflix Originals I’ve never heard of and then it’s just a bunch of dross.