
I wouldn’t limit it to just conservatives. Americans really, REALLY suck at reading comprehension and looking between the lines.

On behalf of my screenwriting students, respectfully go fuck yourself.

He means that it’s critical of those things.

More importantly, who cares?

To paraphrase Michael Jordan, conservatives watch TV too. Not every show needs to be bleeding heart liberal. (And I say that as a pretty liberal, registered Democrat).

To be fair, right-wingers are notorious for missing the point of the entertainment they consume. See: conservative Star Trek fans. 

I consider myself a bleeding heart liberal and I think Yellowstone is great.  It’s Succession set in the West.  Not everything needs to be political.

Yeah it’s silly to view it this way, of course the show has right wing fans. Any show with certain type of protagonist will attract them. Wolf of Wall Street, Fight Club, etc. it doesn’t make them right wing films.

Judging by his previous works like Hell or Highwater or Sicario, I strongly suspect he isn't a crazy rightwinger as he seems quite mad at the concept of a forever drug war and the cruelty of banks on the poor.  Then again Sicario 2 was some weird Tucker Carlson fever dream, don't remember if Sheridan wrote that one. 

Could be similar to ‘Born in the USA’ where some people think it’s a patriotic anthem.

I liked the old guard a lot - and the old old guard for that matter - and like many, I feel a sense of loyalty to them, but I take issue with commenters being assholes to the new employees because they have beef with the management. I think people are letting their anger towards how things went down cloud their

Do you guys just pretend to be dumb to bitch or are you really this dumb? Covering the making of and press for a movie and then a specific reviewer disliking the movie is not contradictory lmfao. 

I’m confused as to what’s the issue here. People hype things all the time and then when it releases, it doesn’t live up to the hype and they’ll let you know.Though I think you are confusing hype with backstage drama

Can there be any Kinja comment section where you obsessed weirdos aren’t taking weak shots at the writers?

“I don’t understand something, so it must be a conspiracy.”

Florence Pugh is a very good actress” is hardly a take so improbable that her publicist would have to be behind it.

I mean, this review is hardly an outsider in its characterization of both Pugh and the movie itself. The Guardian, USA Today, IndieWire, Deadline, Daily Beast and The Hollywood Reporter all have some version of this same sentiment in their reviews: The movie has serious flaws but Pugh herself is very good in it. So

But also, a team that won 78 percent of its games when it took fewer than 30 three-point shots hoisted 33 and made five. So that’s 35 percent of their shots for 15 percent of their points. In a five-point loss. In a game in which they shot 52 percent from two and scored 74 points in the paint and from the line.

This is good advice in general. 

That was the most fun I’ve had watching golf since...uhh...

But neither Neil Marshall nor David Harbour are awful.